
Nasilje nad športnicami v plavanju : diplomsko delo
ID Miklavec, Lucija (Author), ID Doupona Topič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 66F5F864CCF16400DEF0876ACD79B723
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/6bd06529-d8c0-4e76-8045-b5b346212a33

V raziskovalno nalogo je bilo vključenih 52 plavalk, in sicer 30 mladink (letnik rojstva 2002 in 2001) ter 22 članic (letnik rojstva 1997 in starejše), ki se ukvarjajo s tekmovalnim plavanjem na državni, mednarodni, evropski in svetovni ravni. V diplomskem delu smo proučevali, kakšen je odnos med športnicami in trenerjem v plavanju, ali prihaja do psihičnih in fizičnih zlorab ter spolnega nadlegovanja mladih športnic, kako pogosto plavalke doživljajo naštete vrste nasilja, odziv plavalk na naštete vrste nasilja, zavedanje plavalk o nasilju v športu ter katera kategorija plavalk je bolj podvržena trenerjevemu nasilju. Vse podatke smo pridobili s pomočjo deskriptivne raziskovalne metode. Za merski instrument smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik, ki je sestavljen iz vprašanj zaprtega tipa ter razdeljen na 6 delov. Dobljene podatke smo analizirali s pomočjo statističnega programa IBM SPSS 20 (SPSS Inc., ZDA) in z Microsoft Excelom (Microsoft, Washington, ZDA). Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da imajo plavalke članske kategorije boljše medosebne odnose s trenerjem, vendar pa so plavalke mladinske kategorije s trenerjem bolj zadovoljne, saj ga večina od njih ne bi zamenjala. Med treningi in tekmovanji prihaja do psihičnih ter fizičnih zlorab pri obeh kategorijah, vendar pa nismo zaznali statistično pomembnih razlik med kategorijama. Rezultati analize te raziskave so tudi pokazali, da plavalke nadaljujejo s treningi ter tekmovanji kljub poškodbi ter bolečini, vendar iz analize nismo zasledili statistično pomembnih razlik med kategorijama. Tako pri plavalkah članske kategorije kot pri plavalkah mladinske kategorije ne prihaja do spolnega nadlegovanja s strani trenerja. Odziv plavalk na vrste nasilja je pokazal, da plavalke mladinske kategorije doživljano psihično nasilje najpogosteje poskušajo odmisliti, medtem ko plavalke članske kategorije največkrat trenerju povedo, da je ta način napačen. Tako mladinke kot članice znajo razločiti med trenerjevimi metodami dela ter psihičnim in fizičnim nasiljem in znajo razločiti, kdaj gre za naklonjenost in kdaj za spolno nadlegovanje. Vendar so rezultati analize pokazali, da sta obe kategoriji plavalcev in plavalk premalo ozaveščeni, da se v športu dogaja tudi spolno nasilje.

Keywords:nasilje, športnice, trener, mladinke, članice, plavanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95299 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5202865 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Violence against female athletes in swimming
The research thesis included 52 female swimmers, namely 30 female juniors (born in 2002 and 2001) and 22 female seniors (born in 1997 and older) engaged in competitive swimming at national, international, European, and world level. In the graduation thesis, we examined the relationship among female athletes and coach in swimming, whether there exist psychological and physical abuses and sexual harassment of young female athletes, how often female swimmers experience these type of violence, reaction of female swimmers to these types of violence, awareness of female swimmers of violence in sport, and which category of female swimmers is more prone to the coach’s violence. All the data were obtained on the basis of descriptive research method. We used a questionnaire as a measuring instrument, which consists of closed-type questions and is divided into 6 parts. The obtained data were analysed with IBM SPSS 20 statistical program (SPSS Inc., ZDA) and Microsoft Excel (Microsoft, Washington, ZDA). The results of the survey revealed that female swimmers of the senior category have better interpersonal relationships with coach. However, female swimmers of junior category are more satisfied with coach, since the majority of them would not replace the coach. During trainings, psychological as well as physical abuses occur in both categories, but there were no statistically significant differences detected among the categories. The results of the analysis of this survey also revealed that female swimmers continue with trainings and competitions despite injury and pain, but based on the analysis we did not detect statistically significant differences among the categories. There is no sexual harassment of the female swimmers in senior as well as junior category. The response to the violence types revealed that female swimmers of junior category most often try to disregard the experienced psychological violence, whereas female swimmers of the senior category most often tell the coach that this is not the right way. Junior athletes as well as senior athletes can distinguish among the coach’s methods of work and psychological and physical violence, and can distinguish between affection and sexual harassment. However, the results of the analysis revealed that both categories of male and female swimmers are not sufficiently aware of the presence of sexual violence in sport.

Keywords:violence, female athletes, coach, female juniors, female seniors, swimming

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