
Vpliv masaže na zakasnjeno mišično bolečino : diplomsko delo
ID Petrič, Tina (Author), ID Hadžić, Vedran (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 36C8CB57BFC84BABD45866DDD547E7CE
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/5a173641-0445-4d09-97b5-8ba7322d8059

Vsak, ki se, oziroma se je ukvarjal s športom je sigurno že doživel zadovoljiv a ob enem nadležen občutek zakasnjene mišične bolečine. Zakasnjena mišična bolečina se pojavlja predvsem pri ekscentričnih vajah in nam da vedeti, da smo trening dvignili na višjo raven. Zaradi tega se v mišicah pojavijo mikropoškodbe, ki jih poskušamo čim hitreje sanirati. Zakasnjena mišična bolečina se začne pojavljati nekje osem ur po vadbi, svoj vrh doživi nekje med 24 in 48 ur po vadbi. Traja lahko vse do sedem dni. Znanstveni in športniki že vrsto let iščejo in raziskujejo različne vrste terapij, da bi preprečili pojav zakasnjene mišične bolečine ali ga vsaj omilili do te stopnje, da bi lahko športnik treninge izvajal na maksimalni ravni brez velikih bolečin. Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti ali masaža vpliva na zakasnjeno mišično bolečino. Pod drobnogled smo vzeli 23 člankov, ki smo jih pridobili iz podatkovne baze Pub med. V njih so se pojavljale različne vrste masaž (športna, klasična, terapevtska, z ledom, globokih tkiv, miofascialna,…), vibracije in raztezanje. Najbolj nas je zanimal vpliv masaž. Zaradi masaže je zakasnjena mišična bolečina prej oslabela, sama moč bolečine je bila manjša, iz tega lahko sklepamo, da je sledila hitrejša regeneracijo kot pri testnih skupinah. Masažo pri preprečevanju zakasnjene mišične bolečine je priporočljivo uporabljati najkasneje dve uri po vadbi, v tem časovnem intervalu očitno najbolje vplivamo na mišico. Masaža naj traja nekje od 20 do 30 minut, najbolj učinkovite so terapevtska masaža, športna masaža in masaža globokih tkiv. Masaža je zelo koristna pri blaženju zakasnjene mišične bolečine, le te pa ne mora v celoti preprečiti oziroma jo odpraviti. Sklenemo lahko, da je masaža nujen del terapije pri vrhunskih športnikih, saj bodo z njeni pomočjo lažje izpeljevali treninge na visokem nivoju. Seveda pa bi bilo potrebno narediti še nekaj raziskav, saj se nam zdi, da na tem področju še nismo prišli do najvišje točke in bomo skozi čas lahko kontrolirali mišično bolečino do te mire, da ne bo imela vpliv na predstavo športnika.

Keywords:zakasnjena mišična bolečina, masaža, šport
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95273 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5201585 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of massage on delayed-onset muscle soreness
Anyone who has ever been engaged in sport has certainly had a satisfactory but at the same time annoying feeling of delayed onset muscle soreness. Delayed onset muscle soreness occurs primarily after eccentric exercises and tells us that we have raised our training to a higher level. For this reason, microinjuries appear in the muscles that we try to repair as soon as possible. Delayed onset muscle soreness starts to appear approximately eight hours after exercise and its peak occurs sometime between twenty-four and forty-eight hours after exercise. It can last up to seven days. Scientists and athletes have been studying various types of therapies for many years in order to prevent the occurrence of delayed onset muscle soreness or at least alleviate it to such an extent that the athlete could continue with the training at maximum level without major pain. The purpose of the thesis was to determine whether massage therapy has any effects on the delayed onset muscle soreness. We focused on twenty-three articles found via PubMed database. They included various types of massage therapy (i.e. sports, classic, therapeutic, ice, deep tissue, myofascial release, etc.), vibration training and stretching exercises. The thesis focuses on the impact of massage therapy. It was determined that because of massage therapy delayed onset muscle soreness was weakened earlier, the intensity of pain was smaller, from which it can be concluded that faster regeneration was achieved in the test groups. It is recommended to use massage therapy for the prevention of delayed onset muscle soreness two hours after exercise at the latest, since it has the best influence on the muscles in this time interval. The massage therapy should take place from twenty to thirty minutes, while the most effective are therapeutic massage, sports massage and deep tissue massage. Massage therapy is very useful in relieving delayed onset muscle soreness but it cannot prevent or eliminate it. It can be concluded that massage therapy is an essential part of therapy for professional athletes because it will help with training at a high level. However, additional research should be done as it seems that the highest point in this field has not yet been reached, and in time muscle pain will be possible to control to such extent that it will not affect the performance of the athlete.

Keywords:delayed-onset muscle soreness, massage, sport

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