
Vpliv izbranih kinezioloških parametrov na rezultat pri plavanju : [diplomsko delo]
ID Šimenko, Nejc (Author), ID Vodičar, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 073DAB6F1D970312D305093518E858B4
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/8568159f-8dcb-4385-a391-a983c39be2cf

Namen raziskovalnega projekta je bil ugotoviti, ali obstaja povezava med morfološkimi in antropometričnimi parametri plavalcev, ter njihovo uspešnostjo v plavanju. Nadaljnje nas je zanimal tudi vpliv izmerjenih spremenljivk na plavalni rezultat. Za ovrednotenje plavalne uspešnosti smo uporabili fina točke ( Fina points 2016 ). Iskali smo tudi povezavo med močjo stiska pesti ter plavalno uspešnostjo. Skupno smo izmerili 53 plavalcev različnih starostnih kategorij, v vzorcu smo uporabili 17 plavalcev moškega spola mladinske ter članske kategorije. Povprečna starost merjencev je bila 19,1 let ± 2,1 let. Ugotovljena je bila statistično značilna povezava s plavalno uspešnostjo in deležem maščobnega tkiva (r = - 0,73; p = 0,01), indeksom telesne mase (r = - 0,53; p = 0,03) ter telesno višino plavalcev (r = 0,58; p = 0,02). Plavalci preiskovanega vzorca, ki so dosegali višje vrednosti Fina točk so bili značilno višji, ter imeli nižji ITM in delež maščobne mase. Moč stiska pesti ne kaže statistično značilne povezave s plavalno uspešnostjo. Ugotovljen je bil vpliv spremenljivk na plavalni rezultat in sicer telesna višina ter delež maščobne mase skupaj pojasnita 76,1% variance rezultata plavalca znotraj območja izmerjeniih spremenljivk. Namen raziskovalnega projekta je bil tudi ugotoviti potencialne razlike v telesni zgradbi in sestavi med različnimi plavalnimi tehnikami. Statistično pomembnih asimetrij med plavalnimi tehnikami slovenskih plavalcev v raziskovalnem projektu nismo ugotovili.

Keywords:plavanje, uspešnost, telesna sestava, antropometrija, stisk pesti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95271 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5193905 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Title:The influence of selected kinesiology parameters on swimming result
The purpose of the research project was to determine if there is a statistically significant correlation between the morphological and anthropometric parameters of swimmers and their level of swimming performance. Furthermore we checked for potential influence of measured variables on swimming result. We used the Fina points 2016 to evaluate the level of swimming performance. Furthermore, we researched the relationship between the handgrip test and the level of swimming performance. 53 swimmers of different age categories were measured in the project. In sample we used 17 male swimmers of junior and open category. The average age of measured swimmers was 19.1 years ± 2.1 years . A statistically significant relationship was found between the level of swimming performance and percentage of body fat (r = - 0.73; p = 0.01), body mass index (r = - 0.53; p = 0.03) and body height of swimmers (r = 0.58; p = 0.02). Swimmers of the investigated sample, who achieved higher values of fina points, were significantly higher, with lower ITM and a lower percentage of the fat mass. There were found, no statistically significant correlations between handgrip test and the level of swimming performance. The influence of the measured variables on the swimming result was determined in the research project. Body height and the percentage of the body fat mass together explained the 76.1% of the variance in the swimmer's result inside the range of all measured variables. The further purpose of the research project was to determine the potential differences in body composition and the anthropometric characteristics of the swimmers between different swimming techniques. We did not find any statistically significant asymmetries between swimming techniques in the research project.

Keywords:swimming, performance, body composition, anthropometry, handgrip

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