
Analiza napadov s sedmimi igralci po spremembi pravil leta 2016 v rokometu : diplomsko delo
ID Radojković, Tea (Author), ID Šibila, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: B0F19E5759114FA7589A37F75BB10F72
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b9ab9327-471a-4bd7-a346-1c41d42aebd8

Rokomet je dinamičen, hiter in atraktiven šport. Model rokometne igre se nenehno razvija in spreminja, na kar vplivajo tudi spremenjena ali nova pravila. Na olimpijskih igrah V Riu de Janeiru 2016 je Mednarodna rokometna zveza (IHF) razširila in dodala kar 5 pravil. Eno izmed teh pravil je pravilo »vratar kot igralec«. To pomeni, da je na igrišču lahko istočasno sedem igralcev enega moštva, kar se lahko zgodi, ko eden od igralcev v polju zamenja vratarja. Ta sprememba v rokometni igri je sprožila nov sistem igre tako v napadu kot v obrambi. Igra v napadu s sedmimi igralci oziroma igra brez vratarja je lahko zelo rizična. Izgubljena žoga v napadu brez vratarja omogoči nasprotni ekipi lahek zadetek. V diplomskem delu je predstavljena statistika izvedenih napadov s sedmimi napadalci. Predstavljeni so deleži zadetkov, izgubljenih žog in dobljenih zadetkov na prazen gol. Veliko ekip uporablja spremenjeno pravilo, predvsem kadar ima ekipa izključenega igralca. Pri igri brez vratarja je zelo pomembna menjava igralec − vratar, ker se mora vratar pravočasno vrniti v svoj gol. Prav menjava med igralcem in vratarjem je ključnega pomena za uspešno in smiselno igri s sedmimi napadalci. Pri igri s sedmimi napadalci je postavitev oblikovana iz dveh kril, treh zunanjih in dveh pivotov, pri čemer imajo pivoti različne začetne postavitve. V diplomskem delu so razložene tudi različne napadalne kombinacije, ki jih izvajajo ekipe v napadu s sedmimi igralci.

Keywords:rokomet, sedem napadalcev, spremenjena pravila, vratar kot igralec
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95267 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5195441 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The analysis of the attacks with seven players after the modification of rules in handball in 2016
Handball is a dynamic, fast and attractive sport. The model of a handball game is constantly evolving and changing. The modification or the addition of new rules contributes to these changes. On the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016 the International Handball Federation (IHF) expanded and added five rules. One of these rules is 'a goalkeeper as a player'. This means that seven players of the same team are on the field at the same time. This is the case when one of the players substitutes for the goalkeeper. Such a change in a handball game has triggered a new game system in the attack and in the defense. A game in the attack with seven players or a game without a goalkeeper can be very risky. The lost ball in the attack without a goalkeeper contributes to an easy hit of the opposing team. The statistics of the attacks with seven players is presented in the thesis. Hits, lost balls and achieved hits scored on an empty goal are also presented. Many teams use the modified rule especially when one of the team's players is suspended. In the game without a goalkeeper the exchange player-goalkeeper is very important because the goalkeeper must return to his goal at the right time. The exchange between a player and a goalkeeper is of key importance for a successful and meaningful game with seven players. When teams play with seven attacking players the positions are as follows: two wingers, three back-court players and two pivots where pivots have different initial positions. Various attack combinations carried out by teams in the attack with seven players are also explained in my thesis.

Keywords:handball, seven attacking players, modified rules, goalkeeper as a player

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