
Primerjalna analiza sponzorstva v športu v Severni Ameriki in Evropi : diplomsko delo
ID Kager, Miha (Author), ID Bednarik, Jakob (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 29DDF019D51867BA0E7199C4850A8326
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/060203c3-8f81-46d9-9c36-f84dac6b22af

Temeljni namen diplomskega dela je primerjalna analiza sponzorstva v športu glede na vložek sponzorjev v ekipnih športih v najbolj sponzoriranih ligah v Severni Ameriki in Evropi. Diplomsko delo je monografskega značaja. V prvem delu diplomskega dela smo se oprli na teoretične raziskovalne naloge. Pri proučevanju trženja ter sponzorstva v športu smo uporabili opisno oz. deskriptivno raziskovalno metodo. Uporabili smo metodo kompilacije, saj smo povzemali stališča, spoznanja in rezultate drugih avtorjev iz razpoložljive domače in tuje literature. V empiričnem delu pa smo uporabili metodo analize primerov s področja sponzorstva v športu v Severni Ameriki in Evropi. Šport je postal zelo komercializiran in se je internacionaliziral v zadnjem desetletju, kar je posledica podjetniških marketinških podvigov, ustvarjenih v športu. Internacionalizacija športa je bila opažena predvsem v profesionalnih športnih ekipah. Sponzorji se vedno bolj osredotočajo na mednarodni trg, namesto na trg njihove matične države. V šport Severne Amerike so v zadnjih petih letih začele naraščati naložbe iz Azije. Med največjimi vlagatelji so Južna Koreja, Japonska in Kitajska, države, ki so tudi največji azijski izvozniki. Naložbe v šport iz Bližnjega Vzhoda in Azije pa naraščajo tudi v Evropi. Azijska regija tako prispeva največji vir tujih naložb in ima hkrati največji delež tujega lastništva v evropskem klubskem nogometu.

Keywords:šport, trženje, sponzorstvo, Severna Amerika, Evropa
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95255 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5200049 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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The essential purpose of the thesis is a comparative analysis of sponsorship in sport based on the contribution of sponsors in team sports in the most sponsored leagues in North America and Europe. Thesis is a monographic character. In the first part of the thesis, we relied on theoretical research assignments. In the research of marketing and sponsorship in sport, we used descriptive research method. We used the compilation method, since we summarized the standpoints, findings and results of other authors from the available domestic and foreign literature. In the empirical part, we used the method of analysing examples from the field of sponsorship in sport in North America and Europe. Professional sport has become very commercialized and globalized over the last decade, as a result of corporate marketing achievements. Globalization of sport was noticed mainly in professional sports teams. Sponsors are increasingly focusing on the international market rather than solely on the market of their origins. Business investments from Asia have started to increase over the past five years in North American sport. Among the biggest investors are companies hailing from South Korea, Japan and China, countries that are also the leading Asian exporters. Investments in sport originating from the Middle East and Asia are also rising in Europe. The Asian region therefore contributes as the largest source of foreign investment and at the same time has the largest share of foreign ownership in European association football clubs.

Keywords:sport, marketing, sponsorship, North America, Europe

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