
Analiza mednarodnih tekmovalnih rezultatov slovenskih orodnih telovadk med leti 2012–2016 : diplomsko delo
ID Smodiš, Nastja (Author), ID Čuk, Ivan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 39C576FFAE3703E2FCB73914E5174C8E
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/80dfd72d-9e25-41c2-9d81-b8e19f666c4a

V diplomski nalogi smo preučevali spreminjanje tekmovalnih rezultatov slovenskih telovadk na največjih mednarodnih tekmovanjih med leti 2012 in 2016. Naš cilj je bil ugotoviti ali ocene telovadk skozi leta naraščajo ali nazadujejo. Rezultate svetovnih pokalov, evropskih in svetovnih prvenstev, ter olimpijskih iger smo pridobili s spletnih strani, jih razvrstili v kronološko smiselno zaporedje, ter jih grafično prikazali ločeno za kvalifikacijske in finalne nastope. Pri posameznih nastopih smo ocene razdelili na tri dele. Na oceno za težavnost (D), oceno za izvedbo (E) ter končno oceno (R). Izdelali smo tudi tabele, ki podrobneje prikazujejo v katerih letih je telovadka nastopila na posameznih orodjih. Izpostaviti velja, da so nekatere tekmovalke v izbranem olimpijskem obdobju prenehale s svojo športno kariero med tem, ko so v tem času druge šele vstopile v člansko vrsto. Analizirali smo tudi tekmovalne rezultate – ocene dobitnic olimpijskih kolajn na posameznih orodjih v Riu 2016. Ugotovili smo, da sta največkrat tekmovali slovenski telovadki Teja Belak in Tjaša Kysselef, ki veljata za trenutno najuspešnejši telovadki in imata tudi največ finalnih nastopov. S parnim t-testom smo ugotovili da je bil napredek v težavnosti in končni oceni pomemben, medtem ko izvedba ni bila pomembno izboljšana. Tuje tekmovalke ne presežejo enajstih zbranih tekem. Največ jih ima Simone Biles, pri kater velja omeniti, da gre pri večini nastopov, z izjemo treh svetovnih in enega olimpijskega, za tekmovanja »ameriškega pokala«. Tekmovanj za svetovni pokal se je največkrat udeležila Sanne Wevers. Izračunane vrednosti povprečnih ocen za težavnost, izvedbo in končnih ocen tako slovenskih kot tujih telovadk, smo ugotovili, da kljub vidnemu napredku znotraj slovenskih vrst, te še vedno ne dohajajo tujih.

Keywords:ženska orodna telovadba, tekmovalni rezultati, težavnost, izvedba, končna ocena, mednarodna tekmovanja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95248 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5188273 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:An Analysis of International Competition Results of Slovenian Artistic Gymnasts for the 2012 – 2016 Period
This research was conducted to study the changes in result of Slovene women’s artistic gymnasts at major international competitions between 2012 and 2016. The aim of the study was to find whether the gymnasts’ scores are increasing or decreasing throughout this period. Results of the World Cup competitions, European and World Championships and Olympic Games were acquired online, sorted chronologically and presented graphically according to two criteria - results from qualifications and finals. Individual results were separated into three parts; difficulty score (D), execution score (E) and final score (R). What is more, tables presenting the years during which the gymnast was competing on individual apparatus were made as well. It should be pointed out that during the 2012-2016 period, some gymnasts have retired from their competitive careers, whereas some have only began to compete at the senior level. Analysed were also competition results – scores of the medal winners at the Rio Olympic Games on individual apparatuses. The research shows that Teja Belak and Tjaša Kysselef competed the most times. At present, the two gymnasts are the most successful gymnasts and have made the most finals at competitions. T-test was used to determine that the progress in terms of difficulty and final score was significant, whereas execution score was not improved significantly. Foreign gymnasts do not exceed eleven competitions. Simone Biles competed at the most of them. It should be pointed out that Simone competed at the Olympic Games, three World Championships and the rest are the “American Cup” competitions. Sanne Wevers was the one with the most World Cup competitions. Calculated average means of difficulty, execution and final scores of Slovene and foreign gymnasts indicated that despite the visible progress of Slovene gymnasts they still fall behind the foreign gymnasts.

Keywords:woman`s artistic gymnastics, competition results, difficulty score, execution score, final score, international competitions

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