
Otrokovo raziskovanje vpliva sončnega obsevanja na temperaturo v predšolskem obdobju : diplomsko delo
ID Praprotnik, Kristina (Author), ID Gostinčar-Blagotinšek, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu predstavljam učenje predšolskega otroka in pristope k poučevanju pri obravnavi učne enote vpliva sončnega obsevanja na temperaturo. V prvem poglavju teoretičnega dela diplomske naloge predstavljam fizikalne osnove sončne energije in sončno obsevanje kot vir energije, ki ga človek izkorišča za svoje dejavnosti, v drugem poglavju pa nekatera pojmovanja učenja in pristope k poučevanju, ki so pomembni na kurikularnem področju naravoslovja. S teoretičnimi osnovami sem oblikovala empirični del diplomske naloge in ga glede na zastavljene cilje razdelila na tri dele. V prvem delu predstavljam rezultate strukturiranih intervjujev, s katerimi sem odkrivala predstave predšolskih otrok o Soncu in sončni energiji. S pomočjo pridobljenih informacij sem zasnovala učno pripravo, v kateri sem upoštevala tudi usmeritve različnih teorij učenja, npr. konstruktivistično poučevanje pojmov s kognitivnim konfliktom, učenje kot reševanje problemov in raziskovalno učenje, kar predstavljam v drugem delu. Nato sem izvedla predvidene dejavnosti s predšolskim otroci drugega starostnega obdobja in ponovno opravila strukturirane intervjuje. V tretjem delu predstavljam rezultate ponovne izvedbe intervjujev in sklepanja, kako je učni poseg vplival na predstave predšolskih otrok o Soncu in sončni energiji. Primerjava rezultatov intervjujev pred in po izvedbi dejavnosti kaže na očitne spremembe v predstavah predšolskih otrok o Soncu in sončni energiji, ki jih lahko pripišemo ustreznemu učenju in pristopom k poučevanju.

Keywords:sončna energija, učenje pojmov, učenje kot raziskovanje, predšolsko obdobje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[K. Praprotnik]
Number of pages:80 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95196 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11702857 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The child’s exploration of the effect of solar radiation on temperature in the preschool period
In this thesis, I present learning of preschool children and approaches to teaching the learning unit called The effect of solar radiation on temperature. In the first chapter of the theoretical part, I present the physical basis of solar energy and radiation as the source of energy exploited by human beings for their activities, while in the second chapter I present some of the most important learning concepts and teaching approaches for the preschool curriculum field of science. With the theoretical foundation, I formed the empirical part of the thesis and divided it into three parts according to the set goals. In the first part, I present the results of structured interviews that show preschool children's ideas about the Sun and solar energy. Then, with the help of the acquired information, I prepared a learning lesson in which I took into account different learning theories like constructivist teaching notions with cognitive conflict, learning presented as problem-solving and inquiry-based learning. Furthermore, I performed activities with preschool children aged five to six years. In the third part of the research I re-conducted the interviews and with that, I obtained information on how the learning process influenced the preschool children's perception on the Sun and solar energy. The comparison of the interview results before and after the lesson shows that there are some obvious changes in the preschool children's ideas about the Sun and solar energy that can be attributed to proper learning and teaching approaches.

Keywords:pre-school child, science education, predšolski otrok, naravoslovna vzgoja in izobraževanje

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