
ID Kirn, Matej (Author), ID Rakar, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 229CC24DA98043769AC49638B99AEC32
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/bb9ceb8a-85d2-4169-abf9-307d11404a9e

Namen diplomskega dela je preučiti temeljno načelo transparentnosti na področju javnega naročanja in s tem posredno pripomoči k izboljšavam na tem področju. V diplomskem delu analiziram celotno prakso Državne revizijske komisije za revizijo postopkov oddaje javnih naročil in Računskega sodišča Republike Slovenije v obdobju 2008–2015. Glavne ugotovitve so: število kršitev temeljnega načela transparentnosti se je skozi leta veljavnosti ZJN-2 povečevalo; postavitev diskriminatornih meril s strani naročnika in njihova implementacija v fazi izbire sta bili najpogostejši kršitvi načela transparentnosti; organi samoupravnih lokalnih skupnosti so večkrat kršili temeljno načelo transparentnosti kot organi državne oblasti; naročniki so bili mnenja, da ZJN-3 ni bistveno pripomogel k zmanjšanju kršitev načela transparentnosti. Ugotovitve in empirični podatki iz diplomskega dela so za pripravljavce predpisov pokazatelj težav v transparentnosti postopkov javnega naročanja in nakazujejo, katere korake je potrebno narediti v smeri odprave ali vsaj občutnega zmanjšanja obsega kršitev.

Keywords:javno naročanje, načelo transparentnosti, Državna revizijska komisija za revizijo postopkov oddaje javnih naročil, Računsko sodišče Republike Slovenije, občine, država
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95121 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2017
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Secondary language

The purpose of the diploma thesis is to address the fundamental principle of transparency and thus indirectly contribute to improvement in this area. In the diploma thesis, I will examine the entire practice of the National Audit Commission and the Court of Auditors in the period 2008-2015. The main findings are that the number of violations of the fundamental principle of transparency has increased over the years. The Institute, which is most often violated is the setting of discriminatory criteria by the contracting authority in public procurement procedures, and the finding that the authorities at the municipal level on average perform more violations of the fundamental principle of transparency than state-level bodies. Contracting authorities were of the opinion that ZJN-3 did not significantly contribute to reducing violations of the principle of transparency. Findings and empirical data from the thesis are indicative of problems in the transparency of public procurement procedures for policy makers, and indicate which steps should be taken in order to eliminate or at least significantly reduce the extent of the violations.

Keywords:public procurement, principle of transparency, National Review Commission, Court of Audit, municipality, state

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