
Prosto širjenje pri vročem valjanju ploščatih profilov
ID Banovšek, Jure (Author), ID Fajfar, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 47FBC8513C5FFA9C20A717099E2E4D07
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/7d92c27a-094b-4a6e-9a22-57c9ba66c7f3

V diplomskem delu sem predstavil tehnologijo valjanja v valjarni podjetja Štore Steel. Podrobneje sem se ukvarjal z delovanjem kontinuirne valjalne proge. Natančneje sem analiziral valjalni program devetih valjancev pravokotnega profila 65 mm x 30 mm in produkte spremljal od začetne do končne stopnje preoblikovanja. Med procesom preoblikovanja sem iz devetih valjancev vzel tri vzorce. Dva vzorca sta bila valjana pri različni hitrosti, na podlagi katerih sem ugotavljal vpliv valjalne hitrosti na končne dimenzije produktov. Tretji vzorec je predstavljal predprofil končnega izdelka in je bil pridobljen na vmesnem valjalnem ogrodju. Dimenzijsko točnost valjancev in vzorcev sem preveril s pomočjo merilne naprave PROFILEMASTER SPS 400 in digitalnim ročnim merilnikom. Merjenje temperature vzorcev med preoblikovanjem sem opravil z ročnim pirometrom, rezultate meritev sem nato uporabil pri teoretičnih izračunih. S pomočjo znanih dimenzijskih parametrov valjancev, hitrosti valjanja, velikosti delovnih valjev in izmerjene temperature sem opravil teoretična izračuna prostega širjenja po Bakhtinovi ter Tafel in Sedlaczekovi formuli. V rezultatih sem predstavil vpliv hitrosti valjanja na prečno širjenje ter podal analizo prečnega profila valjancev. Primerjal sem programsko nastavljeno in dejansko višino valjčne reže na posameznem valjalnem ogrodju, na koncu pa opravil analizo zadnjega prehoda s statističnim pregledom podatkov dimenzij vseh devetih valjancev.

Keywords:vroče valjanje, preoblikovanje jekla, prosto širjenje, ploščati profil
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95113 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1698911 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Lateral spreading of flat products during hot rolling
In this thesis I presented rolling technology of flat bars in rolling mill owned by company Štore Steel d.o.o. I analysed the working process of continuous rolling mill. In more detail I analysed rolling plan of nine bars with final rectangular cross section profile 65 mm x 30 mm and followed changes from the beginning to the end of the forming process. During the forming process of above mentioned bars, I took out three samples. The first two samples were rolled at different speed, on the basis of which I was studying the impact of rolling speed on final product's dimension. Third sample was a pre-profile of the final product, collected between fifth and sixth rolling stand. With specialised industrial measuring device PROFILEMASTER SPS 400 and handheld digital meter I checked the dimensional accuracy of bars and samples. Measurement of temperature of the samples during the forming process was done/made with handheld pyrometer. Results of the measurements were later used in theoretical calculations. With known dimensional parameters, rolling speed, size of working rolls and measured temperature, I made theoretical calculations of lateral spread according to Bakhtin's formula and Tafel and Sedlaczek's formula. In results I described impact of rolling speed on lateral spread and presented cross sectional profile analysis. I compared the heights of programmed rolling gap and actual rolling gap on each rolling stand. Furthermore I made analysis of final pass on the last rolling stand and gave statistical overview of dimension data for entire rolling plan.

Keywords:hot rolling, steel forming, lateral spread, flat profile

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