
Studijsko snemanje in montaža videa z uporabo zelenega ozadja
ID DIMNIK, NIKA (Author), ID Zaletelj, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 6F11B3687246B2AE740DC71E21AA84DB
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/144ae2f1-d879-4226-9535-63014f1149ce

V diplomski nalogi sem predstavila razvoj tehnike snemanja z zelenim ozadjem od začetka, to je konec 19. stoletja, pa do danes. Opisala sem idealne razmere za postavitev in snemanje v studiu z zelenim ozadjem. Prikazala sem postopek postavitve studia doma glede na omejitve, s katerimi se srečujemo, tj. prostorske omejitve, manj razpoložljivih finančnih sredstev in amaterska snemalna oprema. Kljub vsem tem omejitvam je mogoče ustvariti kakovosten končni izdelek, kar sem v diplomski nalogi tudi dokazala. Na video posnetkih so vidne pogoste amaterske napake, med drugimi odboj barve z ozadja in neenakomerna osvetlitev. Primerjava treh cenovno različnih računalniških programov za postprodukcijo omogoča prikaz razlik v zmogljivosti programov, pomembnosti določenih nastavitev in primerjavo končne kakovosti posnetkov. Opisala sem postopek montaže studijskega posnetka osebe v video posnetek ozadja z uporabo tehnike barvnega ključa (angl. chroma key) v treh programih za video produkcijo in opisala možnosti odprave pogostejših napak v navedenih programih. Končne posnetke sem med sabo primerjala in ocenila, kako dobro je posamezen program odpravil napake.

Keywords:tehnika barvnega ključa, postavitev studia z zelenim ozadjem, Adobe After Effects, Pinnacle Studio, VSDC Free Video Editor
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95096 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Video shooting and production using green screen
The thesis presents the development of chroma key from its beginnings at the end of 19th century up to present day. The author describes ideal circumstances for setting up and shooting in chroma key studio. Further on, she presents the techniques of home studio setup considering the limitations of such a studio, such as spatial limitation, less financial means and amateur shooting equipment. Despite all these limitations, the thesis proves quality final product can be created. Most frequent amateur mistakes, for example color spill from the background and uneven lighting, can be seen in video shootings. The comparison of three by price different post-production computer programes provides an insight into the differences in capability of each programe, the importance of certain setups, and the comparison of the quality of final shootings. The author also describes the technique of chroma keying in three different video production programes and the possibilities of correcting most frequent mistakes in the above programmes. She compares the final shootings and gives an evaluation how well is an individual programme able to correct its mistakes.

Keywords:chroma key, chroma key studio setup, Adobe After Effects, Pinnacle Studio, VSDC Free Video Editor

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