
Točilni avtomat z avtomatskim doziranjem količine pijače
ID KREGAR, MARTIN (Author), ID Jankovec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 7BE705DCF6812F3BAB82758EC3CDBFB0
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/d3486787-7465-484a-9f61-23f3a5795c05

Diplomsko delo obsega opis realizacije merjenja natočene količine tekočine oziroma pijače. To možnost smo realizirali z izdelavo prototipa točilnega aparata z dvema točilnima mestoma. V diplomski nalogi bomo predstavili posamezne sklope prototipa, kot so modulacija PWM, senzor teže, senzor pretoka in kodirnik. Opisali bomo posamezne gradnike točilnega aparata ter njihove prednosti in pomanjkljivosti. Pri točenju je pomembna razlika med želeno in dejansko količino pretočene tekočine. Za merjenje natočene količine tekočine smo uporabili senzor pretoka. Senzor teže smo uporabili za zaznavanje prisotnosti kozarca, ki ob predčasnem umiku kozarca točenje ustavi. Opisana je tudi razlika med uporabo senzorja pretoka in senzorja teže, kot indikator natočene količine tekočine. Za določitev količine tekočine smo uporabili inkrementalni kodirnik s tipko. Prednost takšnega rotacijskega kodirnika je vsestranska uporabnost in določitev smeri rotacije. Za črpanje tekočine smo uporabili potopni črpalki.

Keywords:točilni avtomat, senzor teže, senzor pretoka
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95092 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Dispenser with automatic dosage of beverage
The thesis describes the realization of precise automatic measuring of beverages volumes. Result of the thesis is a prototype which allows simultaneous volume measurements of two beverages. The first part of the thesis is devoted to descriptions of separate building blocks, such as PWM modulation, load sensor, flow meter and rotary encoder. Beside that the first part contains descriptions of advantages and disadvantages and reasons for use particular kind of sensors. The measurement error between theoretical and actual value is important for calibrating sensors and precise working of the prototype. We used flow meter for measuring beverages. Load cell is used for detecting the glass and stop dispensing, if the glass is removed. The thesis also compares load sensor and flow meter as indicator for measure beverage volume. The desired quantity is shown to the user by alphanumeric display. The quantity is controlled by optical incremental rotary encoder with pushbutton. The benefit of this kind of encoder is a wide variety of applications and easiness to define rotary directions. For dispensing beverages we used submersible pumps.

Keywords:beverage dispenser, flow sensor, load cell

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