
Zaznavanje izobraževalnih potreb in kompetenc strokovnih delavcev v vrtcu za delo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami
ID Zamuda, Betina (Author), ID Polak, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V strokovni literaturi pogosto zasledimo, da se vzgojitelji in pomočniki vzgojitelja čutijo čedalje bolj obremenjeni, saj se pri svojem delu srečujejo s situacijami, za katere niso dovolj strokovno usposobljeni. Takšne situacije pri marsikaterem strokovnem delavcu povzročajo stres in občutek, da le-tej ne bo kos. V praksi ugotavljamo vedno večje potrebe po dodatnem izobraževanju in usposabljanju strokovnih delavcev za delo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami ter po smernicah za lažje vključevanje le-teh v življenje in delo oddelka vrtca. Specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi, kot strokovnjaki za delo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami, jim lahko ponudijo različne oblike pomoči in podpore, s pomočjo katerih bi pridobivali nova znanja, jih nadgrajevali ter razvijali kompetence potrebne za delo z le-temi. Strokovni tim znotraj vrtca, ki je voden s strani specialnega in rehabilitacijskega pedagoga, je ena izmed učinkovitih oblik pomoči in podpore strokovnim delavcem. Preko takšnega tima strokovni delavci pridobijo kvalitetna znanja s področja dela z otroki s posebnimi potrebami, ki izhajajo iz strokovne podkovanosti specialnega in rehabilitacijskega pedagoga, izkušenj strokovnih delavcev ter različne strokovne literature. Kompetence se na takšen način nadgrajujejo, strokovni delavci pa se posledično lažje soočajo s situacijami, v katere so vpeti med delom z otroki s posebnimi potrebami. V raziskovalnem delu raziskave smo oblikovali in uporabili anketni vprašalnik, ki ga je ustrezno izpolnilo 110 strokovnih delavcev – vzgojiteljev predšolskih otrok in pomočnikov vzgojiteljev. iz vrtcev po celotni Sloveniji. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako strokovni delavci zaznavajo svoje kompetence in izobraževalne potrebe na področju dela z otroki s posebnimi potrebami ter katere oblike pomoči in podpore potrebujejo s strani specialnega in rehabilitacijskega pedagoga. Z vprašalnikom smo tudi ugotavljali, ali strokovni delavci v vrtcu izražajo potrebo po oblikovanju strokovnega tima, ki bi ga vodil specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagog, z namenom nudenja pomoči, podpore ter dodatnega strokovnega znanja in kompetenc za delo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami. S pridobljenimi podatki smo dobili vpogled v to, kakšne oblike pomoči in podpore pričakujejo strokovni delavci v vrtcih, da bi bilo njihovo strokovno delo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami uspešnejše in bolj kakovostno. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da strokovni delavci imajo pomoč in podporo specialnega in rehabilitacijskega pedagoga, vendar bi si ju želeli še več. Največ pomoči in podpore bi potrebovali predvsem na področjih odkrivanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami, komunikacije in sodelovanja s starši ter sodelovanja v strokovnem timu/skupini, saj na teh področjih zaznavajo pomanjkanje konkretnih kompetenc za delo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami. Obenem smo ugotovili, da si strokovni delavci želijo, da bi se znotraj vrtca oblikoval strokovni tim/skupina, ki bi ga vodil specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagog.

Keywords:otroci s posebnimi potrebami
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95033 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11690057 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Early childhood educators and assistants' perceptions of educational needs and competencies in the field of teaching children with special needs in nurseries and kindergartens
In the published expert literature, we often read that teachers and assistant teachers feel increasingly stressed, for they encounter situations during their work, which they are not sufficiently trained for. Among the professional workers, such situations cause stress and a feeling that they are not fit for the tasks. In practice, we realize increasingly larger needs for education and training of the professional workers for working with children with special needs, and for some directives for easier incorporation of those children into the life and work of the kindergarten unit. Special and rehabilitation teachers, as the experts for working with children with special needs, can offer various forms of help and support, by means of which they would acquire some new knowledge, upgrade them and develop their competencies, necessary for the work with the children with special needs. The professional team of a kindergarten, guided by a special and rehabilitation teacher, is one of the effective forms of help and support to the professional workers. Through such team, the professional workers gain high levels of expertise from the field of working with children with special needs, which derive from special skills of the special and rehabilitation teacher, experiences of the professional workers, and various professional literature. The competencies are upgraded in such a way. Consequently, the professional workers cope with situations, which they encounter more easily while working with the children with special needs. In the research part, we formed and used a survey questionnaire, which was appropriately filled in by 110 professional workers – teachers of the preschool children and assistant teachers from kindergartens from all over Slovenia. The purpose of the research was to ascertain how professional workers percept their competencies and educational needs in the field of working with children with special needs, and which forms of help and support they need by special and rehabilitation teachers. By means of a questionnaire, we were also discovering, whether the professional workers in the kindergarten express a need for forming a professional team, led by the special and rehabilitation teacher, with the purpose of offering some help, support and additional professional knowledge and competencies for working with children with special needs. By means of the acquired data, we gained an insight into what kind of forms of help and support in working with children with special needs are expected by the professional workers in kindergartens in order for their professional work with children with special needs would be more successful and more qualitative. The results of the research have shown that professional workers are offered help and support by the special and rehabilitation teacher, but they would wish more of that. Most support and help would be needed in the fields of discovering the children with special needs, communication and cooperation with parents, and cooperation in the professional team/group, for in these fields they perceive a lack of factual competencies for working with children with special needs. At the same time, we have discovered that the professional workers wish that a special team/group would be formed within the kindergarten, led by a special and rehabilitation teacher.

Keywords:children with special needs

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