
Razvoj modula za nadzor in analizo stroškov poslovanja
ID GABRIJEL, VID (Author), ID Šter, Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: EFE8369D3111D0835A1408C5C6596B4D
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/71e0647d-2118-4293-856c-86ca68f5869b

V diplomskem delu obravnavamo razvoj ter implementacijo modula za nadzor in analizo stroškov poslovanja. Danes se veliko manjših podjetij namreč ne odloči za implementacijo informacijskega sistema namenjenega nadzoru poslovanja, čeprav lahko ta močno pripomore k izboljšanju finančnega poslovanja. Razloga za strah pred vpeljavo novodobnih sistemov sta običajno cenovna zahtevnost implementacije in zahtevna uporaba programov, saj so ponudbe v osnovi namenjene uporabi večjih podjetij. Potrebno je razlikovati med potrebami velikih in manjših podjetij – manjša podjetja potrebujejo svojemu delovanju prilagojene programe. V ta namen bomo skozi diplomsko nalogo spoznali razvoj modula, ki je namenjen uporabi v manjših podjetjih, ter jim tako zagotoviti preprosto, vendar učinkovito izboljšanje poslovanja. Opisali bomo, kako na eleganten način omogočamo uporabniku dostop do aplikacije in do uporabe le tistih modulov, ki jih uporabnik potrebuje, ter ga z njemu nepotrebnimi elementi sistema ne obremenjujemo. Poudarili pa bomo seveda tudi osnove poslovnega finančnega poslovanja ter se sprehodili skozi delovanje modula in si pogledali, kako uporabnik skozi uporabniški vmesnik manipulira z opravljanjem stroškov.

Keywords:modul, razvoj, stroški, analiza, spletna aplikacija, Twig, JavaScript, PHP
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95022 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Module development for control and analysis of business costs
The main purpose of the bachelor's thesis at hand is the presentation of the development and implementation of a module intended to control and analyse operating costs. Nowadays many small businesses remain reluctant to implementation of an information system for the control over the company’s operations, notwithstanding the fact that the mentioned systems lead to improvement of the financial management. The main reasons for reluctance are usually a high implementation price and very demanding use of the programs, as the programs on the market suit the needs of larger businesses. It should be stress that there is a difference between large and small businesses – small businesses need programs suitable to their activities. Therefore, the thesis at hand presents the development of the module provided to suit the use of smaller businesses. The thesis describes how in an elegant way we allow the user to access the application and to use only those modules that the user needs and is not burdened with unnecessary elements of the system. In addition, the thesis at hand pays attention to the basis of the financial management, describes the detailed working of the module and demonstrates how the user can manipulate the costs via the user interface.

Keywords:module, development, costs, analysis, web application, Twig, JavaScript, PHP

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