
Zanesljivostna analiza vzorčnega socio - tehničnega sistema na podlagi FRAM metode
ID TKALEC, MATIC (Author), ID Mraz, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: BA47C24C30A02F5AA81B91B42B79F00D
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0977feb5-6f7a-4b82-9258-f2fd3d8cf3b6

Današnji socio - tehnični sistemi postajajo vse bolj kompleksni. Potrebujemo torej sofisticiran način, s katerim bomo sposobni takšne sisteme razumeti in jih podrobno analizirati. Pojavljajo se nove metode, ki so zasnovane posebej za analizo tovrstnih sistemov, vendar so te metode še v fazi razvoja. V pričujočem delu se osredotočimo na analizo vzorčnega socio - tehničnega sistema, ki ga predstavlja izvajanje nalog pilota pri upravljanju enomotornega športnega letala. To analizo izvedemo s pomočjo FRAM metode. Najprej delovanje danega sistema podrobno opišemo, v nadaljevanju pa predstavimo uporabo FRAM metode, ki jo nato apliciramo na opisan sistem. K razvoju FRAM metode torej prispevamo tako, da proizvedemo primer aplikacije FRAM metode na konkreten kompleksen socio - tehnični sistem in poizkusimo identificirati nov analitični korak metode, ki bi to metodo pripeljal bližje k simulaciji situacij z računalniškim modelom.

Keywords:socio - tehnični sistemi, FRAM, funkcijska resonanca, sistemska analiza, splošno letalstvo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94971 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2017
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Title:Reliability analysis of a socio - technical system example based on the FRAM method
Modern socio - technical systems are becoming more and more complex, thus we are in need of a sophisticated method which will enable us to understand and analyse such systems in detail. New methods are emerging for this particular purpose, yet they are presently still developing. This work focuses on analysing an example of a socio - technical system. This system is based on the tasks that a pilot of a small, general aviation aircraft has to accomplish to successfully perform flight operations. The analysis of the system is conducted with the FRAM method. At first we describe how the observed system works, then we apply the FRAM to this description. This work contributes to the development of the FRAM because it provides an example of an application of the method to a complex socio - technical system. This work also includes an attempt to identify a new analytical step, which would bring this method closer to a computer simulation of different system situations.

Keywords:socio - technical systems, FRAM, functional resonance, systems analysis, general aviation

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