
Krmilnik za integrirani brezkrtačni zaganjalnik-generator
ID KVAS, BLAŽ (Author), ID Jankovec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 6BA067DF6DA81EB7D6B78689910707B4
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/63a9cee8-426c-40fb-8f88-5ab8327b31b0

Diplomsko delo predstavlja izdelavo krmilnika za integrirani zaganjalnik-generator motor. Integrirani zaganjalnik-generator je motor, ki združi zaganjalnik (starter) za zagon bencinskega motorja in generator, ki skrbi za proizvajanje elektrike v vozilu. Za krmiljenje takega motorja potrebujemo združiti tudi elektroniko, kjer je potrebno združiti razsmernik in regulator. Krmilnik za brezkrtačni motor ali razsmernik je vezje, ki je nadomestilo krtačke v krtačnih motorjih. Krtačni motorji uporabljajo krtačke skupaj s komutatorjem za preklapljanje toka v motorju, tukaj pa jih nadomestijo tranzistorji. S tem lahko drastično zmanjšamo izgube in se izognemo obrabi zaradi krtačk. Regulator v sistemu skrbi za regulacijo napetosti, ki jo proizvede generator. Generator bo lahko dosegel vrtilno frekvenco čez 10000 min-1, kar pa predstavlja problem, saj se napetost iz generatorja spreminja linearno z vrtljaji in lahko dosežemo zelo visoke napetosti. Za manjšanje napetosti pri visokih obratih se uporabi kratka sklenitev navitij, ki preusmeri ves tok mimo baterije. Cel sistem lahko deluje z ali brez priklopljene baterije, kar pomeni, da mora generator proizvesti dovolj napetosti že pri 400 min-1. Za dvig napetosti pri nizkih vrtljajih uporabimo navitja motorja in razsmernik kot stikalni pretvornik.

Keywords:krmilnik, brezkrtačni, zaganjalnik-generator
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94970 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Controller for an integrated brushless starter-generator
This thesis presents the process of development of an integrated starter-generator controller. Integrated starter-generator is a motor, that can function as a starter to start a petrol engine or as a generator, which produces electricity. For controlling this type of motor, the electronics must also be combined (inverter and regulator). Controller for a brushless motor (inverter) is a circuit that replaces brushes in brushed motors. Brushed motors are used with a commutator, for switching the current in the motor. Here they are replaced with transistors. This reduces losses in the motor and brush wear. In the vehicle, the regulator regulates the voltage that is generated by the generator. This motor will be able to achieve rotational frequencies of up to 10000 min-1, which poses a problem since the voltage generated rises linearly with rotational frequency and can achieve very high voltages. For reducing this voltage, the regulator short circuits the winding of the generator. This causes the current to bypass the battery. The whole system is also functional without the battery, which means that the generator must produce enough voltage at 400 min-1. For raising the voltage at lower speeds the winding of the motor and the inverter are used as a switch converter.

Keywords:controller, brushless, starter-generator

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