
ID POČERVINA, TANJA (Author), ID Vodovnik, Zvone (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: ECEB3F00EF0D51770215CAE00F08E0CD
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/935346e4-005e-4ef4-86f0-782a5287efa9

Delo je ena izmed človekovih najpomembnejših dejavnosti, saj mu zagotavlja ekonomsko varnost in dostojno življenje. Problem segmentacije oziroma dualizma na trgu dela povzroča neenakosti med zaposlenimi predvsem na ravni delovnopravnega varstva delavcev v različnih oblikah zaposlitve. Zaposleni v nestandardnih, fleksibilnejših in prekarnih oblikah zaposlitve so postavljeni v negotov položaj, s slabšim delovnopravnim položajem in hkrati podvrženi vztrajnim pritiskom socialnega dumpinga. S pomočjo deskriptivne metode, analize različnih virov in metode kompilacije so predstavljena dejstva in ukrepi normativne ureditve ter pravni temelji poklicnega dela. Poleg navedenih metod pa so pravni temelji, statistični podatki in praksa Avstrije, Nemčije in Švice na področju vajeništva predstavljeni tudi s komparativno metodo. Analiza sistema vajeništva v Avstriji, Nemčiji in Švici je pokazala, da so za uspešno izvajanje sistema najpomembnejši privlačnost programov ter nenehno usklajevanje in prilagajanje programov glede na potrebe trga dela. Analiza primerjave med omenjenimi državami je pokazala, da je sistem vajeništva privlačen ravno zaradi prilagodljivosti programov, inovativnosti in uspešnega sodelovanja z delodajalci. Delo je uporabno tako za splošno javnost kot strokovne kadre, saj predstavlja pomanjkljivosti in predloge za izboljšanje notranje zakonodaje na področju poklicnega dela in dela napotenih delavcev ter hkrati opozarja na morebitne težave pri ponovni uvedbi sistema vajeništva.

Keywords:delovno razmerje, delovnopravno varstvo, vajeništvo, mednarodni pravni viri, napoteni delavci, Agenda Združenih narodov 2030 in socialni dumping
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94968 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2017
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Secondary language

Work is one of the human’s most important activity, since it ensures, since it provides economic security and a decent life. The problem of segmentation or dualism on the market causes inequalities among employees particularly at the level of labor protection of workers in various forms of employment. Employees in non-standard, flexible or precarious forms of employment are placed in an uncertain position, with a weaker employment status and with persistent pressure of social dumping. With the help of the descriptive method, the analysis of different sources and the compilation method, the Master’s thesis presents facts, normative regulation measures and legal aspects of occupation. In addition to the stated methods, the legal aspect, statistical data and practice from the field of apprenticeship in Austria, Germany and Switzerland are also presented with the comparative method. The analysis of the apprenticeship system in Austria, Germany and Switzerland showed that the attractiveness of programs, constant coordination and adaptation of programs according to the needs of the labour market are the most important for successful functioning of the system. The analysis of the comparison with the stated countries showed that the apprenticeship system is attractive precisely due to the flexibility of programs, innovativeness and successful cooperation with employers. The Master’s thesis is useful for the general public as well as for professionals, since it presents deficiencies and suggestions for the improvement of the internal legislation in the field of occupation and work of posted workers and at the time it draws attention to possible problems in the reintroduction of the apprenticeship system.

Keywords:delovno razmerje, delovnopravno varstvo, vajeništvo, mednarodni pravni viri, napoteni delavci, Agenda Združenih narodov 2030 in socialni dumping

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