
Avtomatizacija perifernih naprav ob brizgalnem stroju
ID Šolar, Rok (Author), ID Lotrič, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 66D5EF977FF5FC885DC6775ADDF345FB
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/56ef979f-07da-4e4b-8fc7-c88485a45285

V tem delu je predstavljeno načrtovanje in izdelava novega programa za programirljive logične krmilnike ter nadgradnja sistema za tiskanje nalepk. V procesu proizvodnje so krmilniki uporabljeni za avtomatizacijo perifernih naprav ob vsakem stroju za brizganje plastike ter za komunikacijo z nadrejenimi sistemi. Obstoječ program na krmilnikih je zastarel, nedokumentiran ter prvotno ni bil izdelan za proizvodni proces v taki obliki, kot se v podjetju izvaja danes. Nov program ima na razumljiv in urejen način implementirane vse zahteve trenutnega proizvodnega procesa, je ustrezno dokumentiran ter je načrtovan na način, da bo v prihodnosti omogočal učinkovite nadgradnje. Te lastnosti so v veliki meri dosežene z uporabo programerske paradigme programiranja na osnovi končnih avtomatov. Opisana je tudi nadgradnja sistema za tiskanje nalepk, ki sedaj omogoča tiskanje različnih nalepk. V diplomskem delu bodo najprej opisani elementi sistema ter kako so umeščeni v proces proizvodnje. Nato bodo predstavljeni glavni koncepti dela s krmilniki, uporabljen krmilnik ter standard IEC 61131-3. V glavnem delu bo opisano načrtovanje novega programa, nekaj pomembnejših algoritmov delovanja ter nadgradnja sistema za tiskanje nalepk. Na koncu bo opisano še dokumentiranje programov za krmilnike.

Keywords:programirljivi logični krmilniki, avtomatizacija, periferija, IEC 61131-3, CyBro-2, tiskanje nalepk, dokumentacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94874 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Automation of injection moulding machine peripheral equipment
The thesis presents the process of planning and implementing of a new software solution for programmable logic controllers and the upgrade of the label printing system. In the production process, controllers are used to automate peripherals along side every injection moulding machine and to communicate with superior systems. The existing software code is obsolete, undocumented and was not originally designed for the production process in the form that is carried out in the company today. The new program implements all the requirements of the current production process in a comprehensible way, is properly documented and designed in a way that will enable effective upgrades in the future. These properties are largely achieved by using the automata-based programming paradigm. The upgrade of the printing system is also described, which now allows printing of various labels. The thesis will first describe the elements of the system and how they are placed in the production process. Next, the basic concepts of working with controllers, the controller that we will use and the standard IEC 61131-3 will be described. The main part will describe the design of the new program, some of the more important algorithms from the code, and the upgrade of the printing system. Finally, documentation of programs for controllers will be described.

Keywords:programmable logic controllers, automation, peripherals, IEC 61131-3, CyBro-2, printing labels, documentation

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