
Dinamska analiza usmerniške plošče
ID Zore, Primož (Author), ID Boltežar, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: D18B84B5D2F1E5B155F7FBCC106F60C0
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/bbb0c37b-2a16-4a3b-97df-74bf44dc28c0

Problem, ki se je obravnaval v zaključni nalogi, je določevanje lastnih frekvenc usmerniške plošče alternatorja. Poznavanje le teh je ključnega pomena v primerih, ko je plošča izpostavljena okolju, ki obratuje in vibrira. Pri takih pogojih pogosto pride do resonančnega odziva, slednje pa vodi do velikih amplitud nihanja, vibracij, hrupa in poškodb. V nalogi se pozornost najprej nameni analitični obravnavi diskretnih sistemov, nato pa analiziranju zveznih sistemov: enostavnega jeklenega nosilca in nato usmerniške plošče. Enostavnemu jeklenemu nosilcu so se lastne frekvence določile na tri načine: analitično, numerično in eksperimentalno ter se jih nato medsebojno primerjalo. Nato so se določile lastne frekvence usmerniški plošči na naslednja dva načina: z numerično in eksperimentalno analizo, ter se jih tudi grafično primerjalo. Zaradi velike razlike med podanim proizvajalčevim in izmerjenim elastičnim modulom, je bil izbran bolj točen elastični modul tako, da numerična analiza dobro sovpada z eksperimentalno analizo.

Keywords:usmerniška plošča, mehanska nihanja, lastne frekvence, numerična analiza, merjenje vibracij, primerjava numeričnih in eksperimentalnih rezultatov, posodabljanje modela
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94868 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Dynamic analysis of rectifier board
The problem which was discussed in this assignment is natural frequencies of rectifier board. Knowledge of those is crucial in cases where the board is exposed to an environment that operates and vibrates. Under such conditions a resonant response often occurs and the latter leads to large amplitudes of oscillation, vibration, noise and damage. In this assignment attention is firstly devoted to analytical discussions of discrete systems and then to the analysis of continuous systems: a simple steel beam and then a rectifier board. The simple steel beam has been determined by its natural frequencies in three different ways: analytical, numerical and experimental, and then compared to each other. Later were determined natural frequencies of rectifier board in two different ways: by numerical and experimental analysis, and then graphically compared. Due to the large difference between the given manufacturer's and the measured elastic module a more accurate elastic module was chosen so that the numerical analysis coincides well with the experimental analysis.

Keywords:rectifier board, mechanical oscillations, natural frequencies, numerical analysis, measuring vibrations, comparison of numerical and experimental results, model updating

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