
Izgradnja in testiranje enofaznega sedemnivojskega kaskadnega pretvornika
ID OKORN, BLAŽ (Author), ID Vončina, Danjel (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 888F8B65D4A713DBCF681A75AC95520B
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b60f0f4f-21b6-44be-8ecd-edbf6a676e53

V diplomskem delu je opisana izgradnja kaskadnega pretvornika, ki smo ga sestavili v laboratoriju LRTME. Taki pretvorniki nam omogočajo, da lahko s pomočjo več enosmernih virov napetosti napajamo porabnike, ki za svoje delovanje potrebujejo višjo izmenično napetost. Pretvornik temelji na serijski vezavi treh močnostnih mostičnih vezij, kjer ima vsak mostič svoje napajanje. S pravilnim preklapljanjem mostičnih vezij se želimo čim bolj približati sinusni obliki izmenične napetosti. Ključni gradniki močnostnega mostičnega vezja so MOSFET tranzistorji, ki s pomočjo krmilne kartice Delfino F28377D vklapljajo in izklapljajo enosmerne napetostne vire. Preostali glavni gradniki pretvornika so: vezje za napajanje elektronike, vezje za galvansko ločitev signalov, merilni členi in transformatorji. Pretvornik je bil načrtovan za uporabo v raziskovalne namene, tako da neposredno iz omrežne napetosti s pomočjo usmernikov pridobivamo enosmerno napetost, ki jo nato pripeljemo na mostična vezja. Moj prispevek v tem projektu je bil med seboj povezati vsa vezja in druge gradnike ter opraviti vse testne meritve.

Keywords:mostično vezje, sedemnivojski pretvornik, večnivojski kaskadni pretvornik, pulzno-širinska modulacija, LCL filter
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94818 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2017
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Title:Construction and testing of single-phase seven-level cascade converter
The diploma paper describes the construction of a cascade converter which was assembled in the LRTME laboratory. Such converters enable us to supply consumers with the help of more than one direct sources of voltage which require higher alternating voltage for their operation. The converter is based on the serial connection of three power bridge circuits where each bridge has its own power supply. By switching the bridge circuits correctly we want to approach the sinusoidal shape of the alternating voltage as close as possible. The key building blocks of the power bridge circuit are MOSFET transistors by which direct voltage sources are switched on and off with the help of the Delfino F28377D control card. The remaining main building blocks of the converter are: a circuit board for electronics supply, a circuit breaker for electronics, measuring elements and transformers. The converter was designed for research purposes to obtain direct voltage, with the help of rectifiers directly from the mains voltage, which is then brought to the bridge circuits. My contribution to this project was to interconnect all circuits and other building blocks and to perform all test measurements.

Keywords:bridge circuit, seven-wire converter, multi-channel cascade converter, Pulse-Width Modulation, LCL filter

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