
Rentgensko slikanje prsnih organov v pediatriji : diplomsko delo
ID Berce, Tjaša (Author), ID Šadl, Patricija (Author), ID Starc, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 3A32C5851C0402A765BF398F0F0F8EAC
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Uvod: Rentgensko slikanje prsnih organov je pri otrocih najpogostejša diagnostična preiskava. Posnetki se pri mlajših otrocih po večni izvajajo v anteroposteriorni projekciji, pri starejših od 5 let pa v posteroanteriorni projekciji. Načini slikanja so prilagojeni starosti otroka in njihovi psihofizični kondiciji prav tako pa tudi ekspozicijski pogoji. Namen: Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti ali se pri izvedbi preiskave - slikanju prsnih organov pri otrocih pojavljajo razlike med teorijo in prakso med študenti in radiološkimi inženirji, ki delajo v praksi. Želeli smo ugotoviti ali radiološki inženirji slikajo skladno z dobro radiološko prakso – slikajo skladno z zadnjimi izsledki iz navedenih referenc in na katerih področjih bi lahko izboljšali njihovo znanje. Metode dela: Pregled literature, podatkov s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika Image Gently. Anketiranci so bili študentje 3. letnika 1. Stopnje in študentje 2. stopnje radiološke tehnologije, ki so na vprašanja odgovarjali iz svojih izkušenj, ki so jih pridobili na kliničnih vajah in klinični praksi. Za izpolnjevanje ankete so bile pogoj že opravljene vaje in klinična praksa na pediatrični kliniki. Po izpolnjenih anketnih vprašalnikih je sledila analiza odgovorov, ki smo jih nato primerjali z anketo (Salmič, Starc, 2016). Rezultati: V celoti je anketo rešilo 37 študentov (37%). Rezultati ankete so pokazali, da anketiranci preverjajo identitete pacientov, dajejo navodila pacientom in njihovim staršem, redno zaslanjajo polje. Področja, kjer bi radiološki inženirji lahko izboljšali delo je področje preverjanja dozne izpostavljenosti preiskovanca. Razprava in sklep: Med anketiranci obeh anket je bilo pričakovati večje razlike med teorijo in prakso, kljub vsemu pa so se pojavile nekatere razlike, ki smo jih tudi izpostavili in bi jim morali morda nameniti več pozornosti pri podobnih nadaljnjih raziskavah, saj bi s tem bolj ozaveščali nadaljnje generacije in na ta način pripomogli k vedno boljšem izpopolnjevanju teorije in prenašanju le te v prakso.

Keywords:radiologija, otrok, prsni koš, rentgensko slikanje, Image Gently, pediatrična radiologija, pljuča
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94560 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5341035 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Chest X-ray imaging in pediatrics : diploma work
Introduction: Chest X-ray in children is the most common procedure. The methodes of choice are anteroposterior projection (from front to back), wich are mostly used in younger children, or posteroanterior projection (from back to front), mostly used in children older than 5 years. General and exposure conditions are also adjusted for the child's age and their physical and mental conditions. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma work is to figure out whether there are some differences between theory and practice between students and radiologic technologists wich already work in practice. We also wanted to find out wether radiologic technologists work in accordance with good radiological practice – congruent with the latest findings from the references, and in wich areas they could improve their knowledge. Methods: First we made an overview of literature and then did a survey with a questionnaire Image Gently. Interviewees were students of radiologic technology from the third year of undergraduate studies and students from the second year of postgraduate studies. The questiones were answered from their experiences during practical classes and practical training. To solve the survey the students had to do clinical practice in pediatric clinic beforehand. After answering the questionnaire we analyzed the results and then compared them to the survey (Salmič, Starc, 2016). Results: 37 students (37%) completed the survey. The results of the survey showed that respondents check the identity of patients, give instructions to patients and their parents, regularly screen the field. Areas where radiologic technologists could improve their skills is in checking the patients' exposure dose. Discussion and conclusion: Big differences were expected between the theory and practice among the respondents of both surveys. Some bigger differences emerged, which we wanted to point out, and may need to be given more attention in similar further researches. Therefore we would help to improve transfering theory into practice and increase awareness for the future generations in this matter.

Keywords:radiology, child, chest, radiography, Image Gently, pediatric radiology, lungs

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