
Program priprave otrok s posebnimi potrebami za igre specialne olimpijade v košarki : diplomsko delo
ID Primožič, Anja (Author), ID Karpljuk, Damir (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c9b39ff5-e865-4c40-979d-357af2dccb00

Namen diplomske naloge je bil predstaviti otroke s posebnimi potrebami, njihovo vključevanje v šport in širšo družbo, Specialno olimpijado ter izdelati 10-urni program priprave na igre Specialne olimpijade v košarki. Program je zasnovan tako, da vključuje različne elementarne igre in gibalne naloge, ki otrokom s posebnimi potrebami omogočajo ohranjanje in razvijanje gibalnih sposobnosti, usvajanje in utrjevanje tehnike posameznih košarkarskih elementov ter izboljšanje same telesne pripravljenosti. Vse usvojeno znanje lahko uporabijo tudi v igri, ki jo prilagodimo otrokovim posebnostim in sposobnostim. Otroci hkrati pridobivajo socialne veščine, utrjujejo samozavest, navezujejo prijateljske stike ter se uveljavljajo v širši družbi. Družba tako postaja bolj odprta in pripravljena na spoštovanje in sprejemanje drugačnosti. Program lahko izvajajo specialni pedagogi in profesorji športne vzgoje za pripravo športnikov na igre Specialne olimpijade v košarki, saj temelji na strokovnosti, postopnosti ter omogoča kakovostno delo. Hkrati ga lahko uporabijo profesorji športne vzgoje tudi pri rednih urah športne vzgoje in s tem otrokom s posebnimi potrebami približajo šport in gibanje kot način življenja.

Keywords:otroci s posebnimi potrebami, integracija in inkluzija, priprava programa, Specialna olimpijada, gibanje, košarka
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94556 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5168817 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Program of preparation of children with special needs for Special Olympics in basketball
The goal of this dissertation is to introduce the children with special needs, their involvement in sports, wider society and Special Olympics, and also to develop a 10 hour preparing program for Special Olympics games in basketball. The program is designed in a way that it includes different basic games and locomotor tasks to provide children with special needs all the necessary requirements to maintain and even more develop their locomotor abilities so that they can learn and strengthen their technique of playing some individual basketball element and also to improve their psychical condition. They can use all the gained knowledge in games that are adapted to their ability and specialty. With this children are improving in social skills, strengthening their self-confidence, learning to make friends and are asserting themselves in wider society. Consequently, also our society will become more open and prepared to accept certain differentness. The program can be run by special education teachers or by professors of psychical education that are preparing sportsmen for Special Olympics games, because it is based on professionalism, progressiveness and quality. It can also be used by regular teachers of physical education in everyday gym teachings in schools, so that they can teach sport and daily activity as a way of life to kids with special needs.

Keywords:children with special needs, integration and inclusion, preparation of program, Special Olympics, activity, basketball

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