
Košarka v slovenskem osnovnošolskem sistemu : diplomsko delo
ID Mehlin, Matic (Author), ID Erčulj, Frane (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/65611a4a-07a6-4071-a866-d4ccf030e226
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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/4fb7c6c6-a663-48a3-b5ed-0dca2b35153c

V diplomski nalogi želim opozoriti na vlogo košarke v slovenskem osnovnošolskem sistemu ter predstaviti košarkarske programe v okviru osnovne šole od 1. do 9. razreda, njihovo organiziranost, značilnosti in morebitne pomanjkljivosti. Diplomska naloga je monografskega tipa, pri zbiranju informacij sem si pomagal z domačimi viri, nekaj informacij pa sem pridobil tudi s pomočjo pogovorov s športnimi pedagogi, košarkarskimi trenerji in avtorji učnega načrta za predmet Šport. V uvodu sem najprej predstavil zgodovino, osnovne značilnosti in organiziranost košarke in male košarke v svetu in pri nas. Košarkarske vsebine v osnovni šoli so vključene v pouk športa, program Zdrav življenjski slog, interesni dejavnosti, neobvezni izbirni predmet šport in izbirni predmet izbrani šport – košarka. Pri pouku športa učenci poizkušajo opraviti košarkarske naloge iz programov Zlati sonček in Krpan. Pri interesni dejavnosti košarka pa se spoznavajo z igrivo košarko, malo in »veliko« košarko. Učenci in učenke sodelujejo tudi na košarkarskem tekmovanju Košarkarski Superšolar (prej Pionirski košarkarski festival), ki ima že zelo dolgo tradicijo. Vloga in pomen košarke, kakor tudi košarkarske vsebine, ki naj bi jih učenci spoznali pri pouku športa, izhajajo iz učnega načrta za predmet šport, odvisne pa so tudi od tradicije okolja in od športnega pedagoga in njegovega košarkarskega znanja. Pri urah športa se večina otrok prvič poglobljeno spozna s košarko. Pogoji za igranje košarke v Sloveniji so dobri, na voljo imamo dovolj dvoran in zunanjih (predvsem šolskih!) igrišč, primerno opremo, kar pa nas bogati, je tradicija in športni pedagogi z veliko košarkarskega znanja. Zbrane informacije so namenjene športnim pedagogom, košarkarskim trenerjem in vsem ostalim, ki se srečujejo s poučevanjem košarke v šoli, saj predstavljajo sistematičen pregled košarkarskega dogajanja v slovenskem osnovnošolskem sistemu. Vsebina diplomske naloge bo v pomoč pri učenju košarkarske igre, organizacije in izvedbe vsebin košarke pri rednem pouku in ostalih šolskih košarkarskih dejavnostih.

Keywords:mala košarka, igriva košarka, košarkarski krožek, izbirni predmet košarka, Košarkarski Superšolar, tekmovanja, osnovna šola.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94546 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5168561 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Basketball in the Slovenian primary school system
In the following thesis I want to draw attention to the role of basketball in the Slovenian educational system and introduce basketball programmes in the context of the primary school from the 1st to the 9th grades, their organisation, characteristics and possible imperfections. The thesis is a monographic type of work. While collecting the material for the thesis, I used domestic sources; I also gained some of the information through conversations with physical education teachers, basketball coaches and authors of the physical education curriculum which is being taught in Slovenian primary schools. In the introduction, I first present the history, basic characteristics and structure of basketball and mini basketball worldwide and in Slovenia. Basketball content in the elementary school is included in physical education lessons, programme Healthy Lifestyle, basketball as an extracurricular activity, in Sport as a non-obligatory elective subject and basketball as an elective subject. In physical education classes children try to pass all basketball drills from the Golden Sun and Krpan programmes. In extracurricular basketball they get new skills in playful basketball, mini basketball and conventional basketball. Children also participate in the basketball competition Basketball Superstudent (formerly the Pioneers' Basketball Festival), which already has a very long tradition. The role and importance of basketball as well as the basketball activities which children learn in physical education classes, are the part of the curriculum for the subject. The role also depends on traditions and physical education teachers and their basketball knowledge. While participating in physical education classes, most of the children get to know basketball for the first time. The gathered information will be a great help for the physical education teachers, basketball coaches and others dealing with basketball practice in schools. Offering a summary of basketball action in the Slovenian educational system, the content of the thesis will be very helpful for learning the game of basketball, organising basketball lessons in regular physical education classes and other basketball activities in schools.

Keywords:mini basketball, playful basketball, basketball school, optional subject basketball, Basketball Superstudent, competition, primary school.

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