
Razvoj in izdelava CNC gravirnega stroja po principu samogradnje
ID Mencin, Boštjan (Author), ID Butala, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 702EA86A70A2A1A0B68D86CB987B9A75
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/477fb1b7-4248-4e93-bfd3-770c3d63990b

Živimo v času, ko tehnologija napreduje izredno hitro na vseh področjih. CNC obdelovalni stroji so bili še pred nekaj leti namenjeni le industriji. V zadnjem času so postali izredno priljubljeni tudi med ''amaterji'', saj so postale komponente in programi za krmiljenje cenovno dostopni tudi posameznikom. Kljub temu, da je na trgu mogoče poceni kupiti široko paleto CNC obdelovalnih strojev, je lahko pri skrbnem načrtovanju samogradnja tudi cenejša. Diplomsko delo opisuje načrtovanje in gradnjo CNC obdelovalnega stroja. Na začetku so predstavljene teoretične osnove za načrtovanje in izbor komponent stroja, v nadaljevanju pa je predstavljeno konfiguriranje stroja v računalniškem programu ter izdelava G-kode za razrez na stroju. Zavedati se je treba, da je kvaliteta stroja odvisna od točnosti delovnih sredstev, ki jih imamo na voljo ter od finančnega vložka.

Keywords:CNC obdelovalni stroj, Računalniško krmiljenje, Priročnik za samogradnjo, G-koda, Prototip
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94481 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2017
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Title:Development and prototyping of a CNC engraving machine tool in a do-it-yourself manner
We live in a time where technology advances extremely fast in all areas. CNC machines were intended for industry only a few years ago. Recently, they have become very popular among "amateurs", as components in their control programs have become affordable even to individuals. Despite the fact that it is possible to buy a wide range of CNC machine tools on the market, careful planning can be cheaper in the case of self-construction. This work describes the design in the construction of a CNC machine in a do-it-yourself manner. Initially, theoretical basics for designing and selecting machine components are presented. The following is the configuration of the machine in the computer program and the production of G-code for cutting on the machine. It should be borne in mind that the quality of the machine depends on the accuracy of the tools we have available and from the financial input for the construction of the machine.

Keywords:CNC machining machine, Computer contorl, Manual for self construction, G-code, Prototype

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