
Dejavniki, ki vplivajo na zanesljivost pričevanja očividca
ID Božič, Špela (Author), ID Plesničar M., Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 2B8F179B4298C3FE9F2230167F105A05
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/3219ae78-0e4a-48f5-8c2b-2849d721fcdb

Pričevanje očividcev in njihovo prepoznavanje storilcev v prepoznavni vrsti je izpostavljeno številnim dejavnikom in drugim negativnim vplivom. Do napak lahko pride tako v fazi zaznavanja in interpretiranja dražljajev kot tudi v fazi njihovega procesiranja, vkodiranja v dolgoročni spomin ter kasnejšega priklica in obnove. Spomin ni izpostavljen samo zunanjim dejavnikom in vplivu osebnih lastnosti posameznikov, kot so starost, rasa in vpliv osebne zgodovine, pač pa tudi drugim kognitivnim spremembam, procesom pozabljanja ter popačenja. Naštete napake zaznavanja in spomina v vsakdanjem življenju nimajo večjega pomena. Problematične postanejo takrat, kadar so od vsebine spominskega priklica odvisni zaključki dokaznega postopka ter s tem konec kazenskega procesa. Strokovnjaki s področja psihologije so v sodelovanju z organi pregona razvili tehnike, s katerimi poskušajo vplivati na kakovost in količino priklicanih spominskih podatkov očividcev ter s tem na verodostojno izpovedbo. K takšnim ukrepom sodijo kognitivni intervju, ocena veljavnosti izjav ter prisotnost izvedenca psihološke stroke na sodišču. Kar je najbolj pomembno, je to, da se morajo prisotnosti napak in zmot pri pričevanju očividcev dobro zavedati tudi preiskovalci kaznivih dejanj in sodniki, ki lahko s svojim védenjem v veliki meri vplivajo na način pridobivanja informacij od očividcev ter odločajo o tem, kateri dokazi so dovolj zanesljivi in verodostojni, da bodo nanje lahko oprli sodbo.

Keywords:verodostojnost pričevanja, očividci, kazensko pravo, kazenski postopek, prepoznava, forenzična psihologija, spomin, zaznavanje, kognitivni intervju
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94479 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:15804753 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Factors influencing the accuracy of eyewitness testimony
The eyewitness testimony and identification of culprits are exposed to multiple factors and other negative effects. Errors can occur both in the phase of perception and interpretation of stimuli as well as in the phase of their processing, encoding in long term memory and later in their recall and recovery. Memory is not only exposed to external factors and the influence of individuals’ personal characteristics, such as age, race, influence of personal history, but also to other cognitive changes, processes of forgetting and distortion. The listed errors of perception and memory have no important significance in everyday life. They become problematic when the conclusions of the evidence procedure and thus its end depend on the content of memory recall. Experts in the field of psychology in collaboration with law enforcement personnel have developed techniques with which they try to influence the quality and quantity of recalled eyewitness memory data and hence the accurate testimony. These measures include a cognitive interview, an analysis of statement validity and the presence of an expert witness from the field of psychology in the court. Most importantly, also the crime investigators and judges who can with their knowledge greatly influence the way of obtaining eyewitness information, and who decide which evidence is sufficiently reliable and accurate to base their judgment on, must be well aware of the presence of mistakes and misconduct in the eyewitness testimony.

Keywords:accuracy of testimony, eyewitnesses, criminal law, criminal procedure, identification, forensic psychology, memory, perception, cognitive interview

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