
Vrste in uporabnost laminatov v protetiki : pregled literature
ID Lulik, Kevin (Author), ID Sever Škapin, Andrijana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lampe, Tomaž (Comentor)

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MD5: 9DEE1D2428F6406FC44004F3F18D8840
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/eca3c11d-dd96-4736-b699-524dfa0c5c31

Uvod: Laminiranje je postopek za izdelavo kompozitnega materiala, pri čemer se z dodajanjem ojačitvenega materiala izboljša trdnost in stabilnost osnovnih materialov. Postopki in tehnike laminiranja ter uporabljeni materiali se razlikujejo glede na namen uporabe in zahtevanih lastnosti kompozitnega materiala. V današnjem času se laminiranje najpogosteje uporablja predvsem v letalski, vojaški in avtomobilski industriji, gradbeništvu, za izdelavo športnih rekvizitov ter v ladjedelništvu. V protetiki se laminiranje najpogosteje uporablja pri izdelavi ležišč za proteze. Predstavili smo kompozitne materiale in njihove lastnosti ter opisali različne tehnike laminiranja. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti tehnologijo laminiranja ter materiale, ki se za to uprabljajo v protetiki. Gre za poglavitno tehnologijo današnjega časa, ki je še posebej pomembna na področju protetike. Metode dela: Diplomsko delo temelji na pregledu literature. Pri pisanju je bila uporabljena deskriptivna oziroma opisna metoda. Iz pregledane literature smo izbrali 11 strokovnih člankov. Rezultati: V diplomskem delu smo na področju laminiranja v protetiki izbrali in primerjali tri različne postopke dela, tri različne ojačitvene materiale, eno polnilo in štiri različne smole oziroma matrice. V opisu postopka iz prakse smo opisali en primer laminiranja ležišča za podkolensko protezo in en primer laminiranja ležišča za nadkolensko protezo. Materiale smo ovrednotili po namenu in uporabnosti. Tako smo ločeno primerjali matrice oziroma smole in ojačitvene materiale ter ugotavljali vpliv uporabe polnila in načina laminiranja na lastnosti polimernega kompozita. Razprava in zaključek: V diplomskem delu smo predstavili laminiranje v protetiki, izbrane osnovne materiale, ojačitvene materiale ter njihove funkcije in različne tehnike laminiranja. V protetiki se laminiranja poslužujemo pri izdelavi individualnih proteznih ležišč. Uporablja se tehnika z vakuumiranjem, smolo in ojačitvene materiale pa izberemo glede na potrebe pacienta. Pri izbiri upoštevamo aktivnost in težo pacienta ter obliko ležišča.

Keywords:Tehnike laminiranja, smola, vlakna, prekrivanje, vakuumiranje, dvokalupno laminiranje.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94446 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5301867 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Type and usability of laminates in prosthetics : literature review
Introduction: Lamination is a process of producing a composite material where reinforcement materials improve strength and stability of the basic material. Procedures, techniques of lamination and type of materials used will depend on the purpose of use and required properties of the composite material. Nowadays, laminating is most commonly used in aerospace, military and automotive industry, construction, manufacture of sports goods and in shipbuilding. In prosthetics, laminating is mostly used in the manufacture of prosthetics sockets. In this thesis, we present composite materials, their properties and various techniques of lamination. Purpose: The aim of the thesis is to present lamination technology and materials which are used in prosthetics. Lamination is the most important technology nowadays, especially in prosthetics. Methods: The thesis is based on revising literature. The method used was the descriptive. Thus, eleven professional articles from the field of prosthetics were chosen and revised. Results: In the thesis, we selected and compared three different work procedures, three different reinforcing materials, a core and four different resins or matrices. In the description of practical applications, we describe one example of a laminated prosthesis socket placed under a knee and one laminated prosthesis socket placed above a knee. The materials were evaluated according to the purpose and utility. Thus, we separately compared them to the matrices or resin and reinforcing materials to determine the influence of the use of cores and the method of lamination on the properties of a polymer composite. Discussion and conclusion: In the thesis, we presented laminating in prosthetics, selected base materials, reinforcing materials and their functions, and various techniques of lamination. In prosthetics, the lamination is used in the manufacture of individual prosthesis sockets. The most commonly used technique is vacuuming. The resin and the reinforcing material are selected according to the needs of a patient. While using these parameters, we also consider activity and weight of the patient, as well as the socket design.

Keywords:Techniques of lamination, resin, fiber, coating vacuuming, molding lamination.

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