
Pravna ureditev osebne asistence
ID Zupančič, Simona (Author), ID Strban, Grega (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 2DBBE07490F2E2A82891ABB2925C6387
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/cc74adb1-f52f-40c3-8ed0-7320675bc43c

Republika Slovenija se je z ratifikacijo Mednarodne konvencije o pravicah invalidov leta 2008 obvezala k izpolnitvi pravice do neodvisnega življenja, vključno s pravico do osebne asistence. Trenutno se osebna asistenca v Sloveniji izvaja zgolj projektno. Februarja 2017 je bil sprejet Zakon o osebni asistenci, ki to področje ureja sistemsko in osebno asistenco priznava kot pravico. Obstoječ sistem se je namreč izkazal za izjemno pomanjkljivega, saj zaradi omejenega financiranja do storitev osebne asistence ne dostopajo vsi invalidi, ki bi jo potrebovali. Novo sprejet zakon se bo pričel uporabljati leta 2019, saj bo v vmesnem obdobju potrebno vzpostaviti popolnoma nov sistem. Zakon podeljuje pravico do osebne asistence vsem skupinam invalidov, ki potrebujejo najmanj 30 ur osebne asistence na teden, ter so stari od 18 do 65 let. Ta omejitev je za invalide s senzorično okvaro de facto odpravljena, saj za njih uvaja komunikacijski dodatek v obsegu 30 ur pomoči na mesec, ne glede na starost osebe. Prav tako Zakon o osebni asistenci določa, da bo v primeru, ko invalid pridobi pravico do osebne asistence pred 65 letom, do nje upravičen tudi po tem letu. Osebna asistenca bo financirana iz državnega proračuna, del sredstev za izvajanje osebne asistence pa bo pridobljen iz sredstev, ki so invalidu dodeljena zaradi potrebe po tuji negi in pomoči. O pravici bo odločal pristojni Center za socialno delo, na podlagi mnenja, ki ga bo izdala Strokovna komisija Centra za socialno delo. Sredstva za izvajanje osebne asistence bodo pridobili izvajalci osebne asistence, ki bodo zaposlovali osebne asistente, ti pa bodo opravljali storitev pri uporabniku (invalidu). Slovenija s sprejemom Zakona o osebni asistenci končno izpolnjuje obveznost iz Mednarodne konvencije o pravicah invalidov. Kljub temu je zakon precej pomanjkljiv in ostaja veliko nerešenih vprašanj, na katere bo potrebno odgovoriti s podzakonskim predpisom.

Keywords:Deinstitucionalizacija, neodvisno življenje, osebna asistenca, pravica do osebne asistence, zakon o osebni asistenci, uporabnik, izvajalec, osebni asistent, financiranje, zakoniti zastopnik
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94429 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:15774801 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Legal regulation of personal assistance
When ratifying the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, The Republic of Slovenia committed itself to ensure the right to independent living, including the right to personal assistance. Currently personal assistance in Slovenia is implemented through projects. However, the existing system proves to be ineffective and inadequate. Consequently, the Personal Assistance Act was passed in February 2017, which systematically regulates the issue and finally acknowledges the right to personal assistance. The new Act will come into force in 2019, and the interim period calls for the establishment of the new system. The Act gives the right to personal assistance to all groups of disabled people that need at least 30 hours of personal assistance per week aged 18 to 65 years old. These conditions are de facto eliminated for the disabled with sensory impairment, where the Act introduces ''a communication supplement'' which provides 30 hours of assistance per month regardless of the person's age. Furthermore, the Act specifies that when the disabled person acquires this right before the age of 65 they will stay eligible for personal assistance. Personal assistance will be financed by the State budget however, part of the resources will be provided by the disabled's care allowance. The Social Work Centres will decide on eligibility criteria on the basis of the opinion issued by the Expert Commission of the Centre. The Act introduces indirect funding, the resources will be assigned to the services, and the services will offer the benefit in kind (the personal assistance). Slovenia thus finally complies with the obligations set out in the Convention. Nevertheless, the Act is still inadequate and leaves many unresolved questions which need to be addressed by the Regulation.

Keywords:Deinstitutionalisation, Independent Living, Personal Assistance, The Right to Personal Assistance, Personal Assistance Act, Personal Assistance User, Personal Assistance Service, Personal Assistant, financing, Legal Representative

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