
Zgodovinski vidiki razširjenosti velikih krešičev (Carabus) in velikih kozakov (Dytiscinae) v Sloveniji
ID Ratajc, Urška (Author), ID Vrezec, Al (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/88484a6a-932e-45a6-9de9-588ce26c9e1b

V zadnjih desetletjih je v Evropi vse bolj opazno upadanje specializiranih in redkih vrst velikih krešičev (Carabus) in velikih kozakov (Dytiscinae), zato je bil naš namen ugotoviti trend razširjenosti in stopnjo ogroženosti obeh izbranih skupin na območju Slovenije. Na podlagi zgodovinskih in recentnih podatkov smo izdelali karte zgodovinske razširjenosti posameznih vrst in jim glede na zmanjšanje območij razširjenosti pripisali kategorije ogroženosti. Analizirali smo podatke za 25 vrst velikih krešičev in 16 vrst velikih kozakov. Velik delež vrst obeh skupin hroščev je v upadu, vendar je izginjanje velikih kozakov zaradi uničevanja vodnih okolij izrazitejše. Na trenutnem Rdečem seznamu ogroženih vrst so le 3 vrste iz vsake od izbranih skupin, naši rezultati pa so pokazali, da bi morali na seznam uvrstiti dodatnih 14 vrst velikih krešičev in 11 vrst velikih kozakov. Najbolj izginjajo veliki krešiči, ki so vezani na negozdna okolja, na zrele, negospodarske gozdove ali na vlažne gozdove, med velikimi kozaki pa vrste, vezane na šotna barja in manjša zarasla vodna telesa. Razlika v trendu razširjenosti med stenotopnimi in evritopnimi vrstami je bila značilna le pri velikih kozakih. Nekaj vrst iz obeh skupin je v zadnjih desetletjih na območju Slovenije že izginilo, zato so potrebne intenzivne ekološke raziskave preostalih vrst in nujno čimprejšnje oblikovanje učinkovitih ukrepov varstva.

Keywords:Carabus, veliki krešiči, Dytiscinae, veliki kozaki, zgodovinska razširjenost, stopnja ogroženosti v Sloveniji
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94349 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4417871 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.07.2017
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Title:Historical aspects of ground beetles (Carabus) and large diving beetles (Dytiscinae) distribution in Slovenia
In the past few decades, there has been a sharp decline in specialised and rare species of both ground beetles (Carabus) and great diving beetles (Dytiscinae) throughout Europe. Our aim was to determine the distribution trends of chosen species and their conservation status in Slovenia. Based on historical and recent data, distribution maps for each species have been made. Extensive data for 25 species of genus Carabus and 16 species of diving beetles were analysed. The reduction in distribution area sizes was used to evaluate the decline of each species in Slovenia and for assigning them to different categories of threat status. A significant number of species from both beetle groups are in decline; however, due to destruction of suitable water habitats, the disappearing rate of diving beetles is higher. Only 3 species from each of the chosen groups of beetles are currently on the Red list of threatened species in Slovenia, and based on our results, at least 14 species of ground beetles and 11 species of diving beetles should be added to the list. Open habitat species of ground beetles, ground beetles that are dependent on mature, unmanaged forests, and diving beetles that prefer peat bogs or small, strongly vegetated ponds, were found to be the most endangered. The difference between stenotopic and eurytopic species was significant only in the case of diving beetles. A few species from both groups of beetles have already disappeared from Slovenia in the last few decades, therefore intensive ecological studies of the remaining species and immediate effective conservation strategies are essential.

Keywords:Carabus, ground beetles, Dytiscinae, large diving beetles, distribution in Slovenia, conservation status in Slovenia

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