
Delo nog in tehnika gibanja igralcev badmintona : magistrsko delo
ID Butara, Urška (Author), ID Kondrič, Miran (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0f0cd05d-d29a-477d-ab19-fada2030cf86

Namen in cilj magistrskega dela je trenerjem in igralcem badmintona ter še posebej športnim pedagogom, ki v program športne vzgoje in športa vključujejo badminton, predstaviti nabor vaj za izboljšanje tehnike gibanja in kako jih vključiti v svoj učni program. V prvem delu smo predstavili vaje za delo nog z vajami za izboljšanje tehnike gibanja, ki pripomorejo k izboljšanju tehnike gibanja igralcev badmintona. Vaje za delo nog so razdeljene glede na uporabo pripomočkov. Predstavljene so z opisom in sliko za boljšo predstavo ter kratkim opisom namena vaje. Opisali smo tudi nekaj igric, ki jih lahko vključimo za popestritev v programu športa, športne vzgoje ali treningov, hkrati pa so namenjene izboljšanju tehnike gibanja. Gibanje po igrišču je sestavljeno gibanje in vsebuje več različnih elementov, ki smo jih opisali v nadaljevanju. V drugem delu pa smo te vaje uporabili in oblikovali v štiritedenski program treningov, ki smo jih izvedli z igralci začetniki. Tako smo vaje, ki smo jih izbrali, preverili tudi v praksi. Ugotovili smo, da smo izbrali ustrezne vaje, ki so bile otrokom zanimive in v izziv. Pri nekaterih igralcih smo zaznali manjši napredek v gibanju, kar se je pokazalo pri osvajanju osnovne drže, »split stepa« ali izvajanju bolj pravilnega izpadnega koraka, vendar smo program izvajali premalo časa, otroci pa bi morali trenirati večkrat na teden, da bi ta napredek opazili pri večini. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da so imeli igralci težave pri tehniki gibanja zaradi neznanja udarcev in premajhnega nabora le-teh, saj so morali poleg tega, kako se gibati, razmišljati tudi o tem, kako in kam žogico udariti, kar je koordinacijsko in pa tudi miselno zelo naporno za igralce začetnike.

Keywords:badminton, delo nog, tehnika gibanja, začetniki, gibalne sposobnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94254 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5150385 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.07.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Footwork and movement technique of badminton players
The purpose and goal of the master's thesis is to train coaches and players in badminton and especially sports pedagogists who include badminton in the program of sports education and sports, to present them a set of exercises to improve the movement technique and how to integrate them into their curriculum. In the first part, we presented workout exercises with exercises to improve movement techniques for badminton players. Footwork exercises are divided according to the use of gadgets. They are presented with a description and a picture for a better performance and a brief description of the purpose of the exercise. We have also described some of the games that can be included in the program of sports, sports education or trainings, while at the same time they are aimed at improving the technique of movement. The movement of the playground is a composite movement and contains several different elements that we have described. In the second part, these exercises were used in a formative four-week training program, which we performed with beginner players. In this way, the exercises we have chosen, have also been tested in practice. We found out that we selected appropriate exercises that were interesting and challenging for children. We saw a slight improvement in some players in movement, which was shown in winning a basic posture, a split step, or implementing a more correct downhill step, but the program was running out of time, and children should train several times a week for that progress to be seen in most of them. We also found out that the players had problems with the technique of movement due to not knowing how to hit the ball and the lack of a set of hits, since in addition how to move, they also had to think about how and where to hit the ball, which is coordinated and also very mentally intense for beginners.

Keywords:badminton, footwork, movement technique, beginners, motor skills

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