
Primerjava razlik v razumevanju uspešnosti gospodarjenja in funkcij gozda med lastniki gozdov in gozdarsko stroko v izbranih območjih zasebnih gozdov v Sloveniji
ID Pogačnik, Brigita (Author), ID Ficko, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 6B8874E0F7E01148E639D46D8553F0F7
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/ab348837-9979-47f0-9d4b-331c561662a3

Z nereprezentativnim vzorčenjem po metodi snežne kepe in polstrukturiranimi intervjuji z lastniki zasebnih gozdov (n = 40) in revirnimi gozdarji (n = 4) smo v dveh gozdnogospodarskih enotah proučevali pestrost pogledov lastnikov gozdov in gozdarske stroke na uspešno gospodarjenje z gozdom in funkcije gozda ter morebitne medsebojne razlike med skupinama. Kot uspešno gospodarjenje z gozdom si lastniki predstavljajo različne načine upravljanja z gozdom vključno s pasivnim ohranjanjem posesti pa vse do opravljanja rednih sečenj in gojitvenih del. Ugotovili smo, da se tudi mnenja revirnih gozdarjev o dobrem gospodarjenju z gozdom razlikujejo. Večina anketiranih lastnikov zase meni, da so aktivni. Največkrat gozd pomeni socialno varnost, hobi ali pa obveznost. Pri gospodarjenju lastnike zavira predvsem pomanjkanje časa, težka dostopnost, nizke prodajne cene lesa in vreme, spodbuja pa jih dohodek iz gozda, veselje do dela. Večina lastnikov sploh še ni slišala za funkcije ali stopnje poudarjenosti funkcij, le trije lastniki so poznali vse tri glavne sklope funkcij. Lastniki niso vedeli, ali imajo na svoji posesti kakšno prednostno območje, poudarjeno na prvi stopnji niti ne vedo zagotovo, ali njihove parcele ležijo v območju Natura 2000. Z opredelitvijo konkretnih omejitev za gospodarjenje na teh območjih so lastniki imeli težave, celo revirni gozdarji so bili negotovi.

Keywords:lastniki gozdov, gospodarjenje, funkcije gozda, lastniki gozdov, gozdarska stroka, Železniki, Semič-Metlika, Slovenija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94253 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.07.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Differences in understanding of successful forest management and forest functions between private forest owners and forestry professionals in selected areas of private forests in Slovenia
We used snow-ball sampling and semi-structured interviews with 40 private forest owners and four district foresters in two forest management units in Slovenia to see how forest owners and forestry professionals understand forest management and how familiar they are to forest functions. Successful forest management meant different things to different forest owners and district foresters. Most of the owners believed they actively managed their property, a belief supported by the district foresters. Most of the owners said they visited their forests several times a week. However, the way they saw the function of forest management varied – some saw it as a mean of gaining social security, some saw it as a hobby, others perceived it as an obligation. Forest owners generally saw more obstacles in management than advantages. They were impeded by the lack of time, difficult access, low wood prices and the weather. The perceived benefits were mainly the income, satisfaction derived from work and visible improvement of the forest. The knowledge about forest functions was poor, most owners have never heard about them and only three owners listed all three main groups of forest functions. They were not aware of the first level priority areas coverage in their forest. Although they were familiar to the Natura 2000 network, they were not sure whether their land or parts of it are within the Natura 2000 area. Furthermore, not many owners knew management restrictions in the priority areas.

Keywords:forest owners/management, forest functions, forest owners, forestry professionals, Železniki, Semič-Metlika, Slovenia

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