
Kritično mišljenje pri pouku tehnike in tehnologije
ID Zalar, Jona (Author), ID Jamšek, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4594/ This link opens in a new window

V diplomskem delu želimo predstaviti stanje kritičnega mišljenja učencev pri pouku tehnike in tehnologije v devetletni osnovni šoli. Najprej je podan pomen kritičnega mišljenja v vsakdanjem življenju, ki je ključnega pomena za učinkovito in kakovostno življenje. Opredeljeno je kritično razmišljanje in zajete so lastnosti, ki jih mora imeti kritični mislec. Na kratko predstavljamo smernice in štiri učne pristope, ki so učitelju v pomoč pri poučevanju kritičnega mišljenja. Obstoječih raziskav v Sloveniji, usmerjenih na temo kritičnega mišljenja pri pouku tehnike in tehnologije še ni mogoče zaslediti. Za ugotavljanje stopnje kritičnega mišljenja smo zasnovali merski instrument, test. Instrument zajema ciljno zastavljene naloge po revidirani Bloomovi taksonomski lestvici, ki ugotavljajo kritično mišljenje. Kot najbolj primeren za naše potrebe ugotavljanja kritičnega mišljenja smo izbrali izbirni tip nalog z enim najbolj pravilnim odgovorom. Test je izdelan za ugotavljanje kritičnega mišljenja na področju kovin kot področne tematike tehnike in tehnologije. Test smo pilotsko tudi izvedli v eni izmed osnovnih šol. Ugotavljamo, da je stanje kritičnega mišljenja v osnovni šoli pri pouku tehnike in tehnologije zelo slabo. Merski instrument je priloga k delu.

Keywords:tehnika in tehnologija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94245 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11658569 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Critical thinking at primary school design and technology subject
Thesis aims to present the state of critical thinking at primary school Design and Technology classes. First, we provide critical thinking definitions in everyday life as it has a key importance role for leading an efficient and quality lifestyle. Further characteristics that a critical thinker has to possess are presented. The guidelines for critical thinking teaching methods are briefly presented. For the field of design and technology subject no particular research focused on critical thinking can be found in Slovenia. For determining the level of critical thinking, we designed a measurement tool (a test). The tool covers goal-oriented exercises that prove critical thinking, according to the revised Bloom’s taxonomy scale. The selection test with one answer being the most accurate one was chosen as the most appropriate for determining the level of critical thinking. The test is designed in such a way that it is integrated in the metals subject matter which is a part of the design and technology curriculum. A pilot test was carried out in one of the elementary schools. We observed that the level of critical thinking in the area of Design and Technology is very low. The measurement tool serves as an annex to the thesis.

Keywords:Design and Technology

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