This thesis describes early years teaching of computer science in England. England is the first country in the European Union that has introduced mandatory computer classes in all grades of elementary school. Its educational system in the field of computer science follows the most advanced global trends.
Prior to examining early years teaching of computer science in England, let us first introduce the development and circumstances of the subject computing in Slovenia, which lags behind other countries due to focus on the use of digital technology, poor computer science teaching material, insufficient amount of lessons and placement in the curriculum, which does not appear early enough. The definition of the concept of early years computing teaching, which is indispensable in the modern world for better and faster development of computer thinking, follows next. Then we focus on teaching of computer science in England, where we describe the current English educational system, the important milestones and events in the history of the field of computer science that have helped to transform the curriculum of teacher education and any extracurricular activities in the field of computer science.
Next are my own observations and experience in early years teaching of computer science in England that I have gained during my three months' practical training at one of the local English schools. This is my report on the work and the working environment of a teacher of computer science, computer classes and analysis of a practical lesson. I have also included a short report on the projects and trainings that I attended as part of the practical training.
Finally, with the help of academic texts and practical experience I have compared the English and Slovenian education system in the field of computing and explored possible options concerning the transfer of early years teaching of computer science in the first three years of Slovenian primary schools.