
Spremljanje aktivnosti srednje velikih zveri s pomočjo fotopasti
ID Črtalič, Jaka (Author), ID Kos, Ivan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Srednje velike zveri (Carnivora), katerih predstavnika sta tudi lisica (Vulpes vulpes) in evrazijski jazbec (Meles meles), so v Sloveniji zastopane v relativno velikem številu. Oba omenjena predstavnika sta prehranska generalista in večinoma pojesta vse, kar je na razpolago. Ti dve vrsti imata zelo podobne preference pri iskanju najprimernejšega habitata. Najraje naseljujeta ekološko raznovrstne pokrajine v bližini kmetijskih obdelovalnih površin. Njuna aktivnost je odvisna od oblike habitata, poseljenosti in, kot posledice teh dveh dejavnikov, količine hrane, ki je na razpolago. Namen naloge je bil raziskati aktivnost lisice in jazbeca ter ugotoviti, ali dejavniki, kot so socialna obdobja, temperatura, padavine, delež lunine mene in dnevna svetloba vplivajo na njuno aktivnost. Nabiranje vzorcev je trajalo od začetka februarja pa do konca maja 2016 na področju Čadraške hoste v okolici Šentjerneja. Za pridobivanje podatkov sem uporabil metodo monitoringa s pomočjo fotopasti. Podatke sem nato zbral, jih časovno razvrstil, pripisal opombe in jih statistično obdelal. Ugotovil sem, da na aktivnost vplivajo dejavniki, kot so dnevna svetloba, količina padavin in socialna obdobja (v mojem primeru: paritveno obdobje in obdobje vzreje mladičev). Dnevno nočna aktivnost se je spreminjala predvsem pri lisici, ki je v maju skotila pet mladičev. Pri jazbecu se ta aktivnost ni spremenila in se je dogajala samo v nočnem času. Količina padavin je vplivala na obe vrsti. Predvsem hujše padavine so znižale aktivnost. Pri obeh vrstah je bilo moč videti razlike v aktivnosti v obdobju spreminjanja časa zore in mraka. Izhodi iz brloga so bili tako pri jazbecu kot pri lisici odvisni od časa mraka in časa zore. Do sprememb je prišlo samo v času aktivnosti mladičev ob brlogu, ki so prisilili samico, da skupaj z njimi zapusti brlog in je aktivna. Dejavnika luninih men in temperature pa v mojem spremljanju nista naredila statistično pomembnih razlik.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94153 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11653705 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Monitoring of activity of medium-sized carnivores by using foto trap
Medium-sized carnivores (Carnivore), representative of which are also fox (Vulpes vulpes) and European badger (Meles meles), are represented in a rather high number in Slovenia. Both are dietary generalists and mostly eat everything available. These two species have very similar preferences in searching the most appropriate habitat. They like to inhabit ecologically diverse landscapes in vicinity of farmland the best. Their activity depends on the form of the habitat, population density, and the amount of food, which is a consequence of the first two factors. The purpose of the thesis was to research the activity of fox and badger, and to establish whether factors, such as social periods, temperature, precipitation, moon phases, and daylight, influence the activity. Collection of samples took place from the beginning of February to the end of May 2016 in the area of the Čadraška hosta in the vicinity of Šentjernej. I used a method of monitoring by using a photo trap in order to obtain the data. The data was then collected, classified by time, added notes, and statistically analysed. I established that the activity is influenced by factors, such as daylight, amount of precipitation, and social periods (in my case: mating period and a period of rearing season). Day and night activity were mainly changing in the case of fox, which had five offspring in May. In the case of badger this activity was not changed, and it took place only at night. The amount of precipitation influenced both species. Mainly serious precipitation decreased activity. We saw differences in activity in the period of changing dawn and dusk in both species. Exits from den depended on time of dusk and dawn in both species, badger and fox. Changes occurred only in the period of offspring´s activity in den, which forced the doe to leave the den with them and to be active. However, the factors moon phases and temperatures during my monitoring did not caused statistically important differences.


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