
Bralna pismenost in bralna samopodoba učencev šestega razreda osnovne šole
ID Cegnar, Katja (Author), ID Juriševič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Saksida, Igor (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4580/ This link opens in a new window

V magistrskem delu sem proučevala odnos med bralno pismenostjo in njenimi sestavinami ter bralno samopodobo učencev 6. razreda osnovne šole. Šestošolce sem izbrala zato, ker je poučevanje le-teh deloma tudi v pristojnosti razrednih učiteljev, poleg tega pa predvidevam, da imajo ti učenci že usvojeno tehniko branja z razumevanjem in dokaj stabilno bralno samopodobo. V teoretičnem delu sem prikazala pomen funkcionalne in drugih vrst pismenosti v sodobnem svetu, katerih temeljni element je bralna pismenost. Posebej sem predstavila bralno pismenost (dejavniki, razvoj, bralna pismenost v učnem načrtu, izsledki raziskav). V tem delu sem opredelila tudi pojem samopodobe, bralne samopodobe ter njenih sestavin (dojemanje lastne bralne zmožnosti, odnos do branja, zaznavanje težavnosti branja), poudarila sem pomen bralne samopodobe za bralne in učne dosežke. V empiričnem delu sem ugotavljala bralno pismenost in bralno samopodobo učencev 6. razreda, in sicer s testom bralne pismenosti za učence, ki sem ga sestavila za namen tega dela, ter z vprašalnikom bralne samopodobe Chapmana in Tunmerja. Ugotavljala sem, ali so rezultati učencev na testu bralne pismenosti povezani z njihovo bralno samopodobo in z njenimi sestavinami. Z rezultati raziskave sem dokazala, da sta bralna samopodoba in bralna pismenost učencev pozitivno povezani, da se najbolj uspešni in najmanj uspešni bralci razlikujejo v bralni samopodobi ter v vseh njenih sestavinah, še posebej v odnosu do branja. S tem sem opozorila na pomen spodbujanja otrokove pozitivne bralne samopodobe (s poudarkom na razvijanju pozitivnega odnosa do branja) v povezavi z razvijanjem spretnosti branja v šoli in doma.

Keywords:bralna pismenost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94152 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11653193 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Reading literacy and reading self-concept of year 6 primary school students
In the present Master thesis, we research the relation between the reading literacy and its components and the reading self-concept in grade 6 elementary school students. Sixth grade students were chosen because they are partially taught by class teachers and because we assume that they are already familiar with the reading comprehension technique and have a more-or-less stable reading self-concept. In the theoretical part, we present the importance of functional literacy and of other types of literacy in the modern society, which are all built upon reading literacy. Special focus is given to the reading literacy (factors, development, reading literacy in the curriculum, research findings). We also define the notion of self-concept, reading self-concept and its components (perception of own reading competences, attitude towards reading, perception of reading difficulty) and underline the importance of reading self-concept for reading and learning achievements. In the empirical part of the Master thesis, we researched the reading literacy and reading self-concept of grade 6 students, using a reading literacy test prepared especially for this study and the Chapman and Tunmer questionnaire on reading self-concept. We wanted to see whether the students’ results on the reading literacy test are in any way related to their reading self-concept and its components. The results of the study show that there is a positive correlation between reading self-concept and reading literacy, and that the most and the least successful readers show different reading self-concept in all its aspects, but especially in their attitude to reading. The Master thesis aims to show the importance of encouraging positive self-concept in students (with a focus on developing a positive attitude towards reading) when developing reading competences in school and at home.

Keywords:ready literacy

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