
Timsko delo socialnih pedagogov z vidika njihovih izkušenj in stališč
ID Kajič, Katja (Author), ID Polak, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Sodobni pedagoški pristopi čedalje pogosteje temeljijo na timskem delu. O timskem delu govorimo, kadar je skupina usmerjena na določen cilj in člani skupine sodelujejo z namenom doseganja tega cilja. Za pedagoško področje to pomeni, da se najmanj dva pedagoška delavca hkrati usmerjata na iste učence. Timsko delo je ključnega pomena tudi na socialno-pedagoškem področju, kajti socialni pedagogi se lahko zaposlujejo na različnih področjih, npr. v stanovanjski skupini, vzgojnem zavodu, šolski svetovalni službi, nevladni organizaciji. Ne glede na področje zaposlitve je za uspešno delo potrebno delovati v timu. Na posameznikovo delovanje v timu pomembno vplivajo tudi stališča do timskega dela. Stališče lahko opredelimo kot trajno duševno pripravljenost za določen način reagiranja. Stališče sestoji iz treh osnovnih komponent: kognitivne, čustvene in motivacijske komponente. Kognitivno komponento predstavljajo znanja, izkušnje, informacije, vrednostne sodbe in argumenti o timskem delu. Čustvena komponenta zajema čustveni odnos do timskega dela. Motivacijska komponenta pa je naša težnja, da delujemo in želimo delovati v timu. V svojem magistrskem delu sem se ukvarjala z vprašanji, kakšne izkušnje s timskim delom imajo študenti socialne pedagogike in zaposleni socialno pedagogi, kakšna so njihova stališča do timskega dela ter kako so izkušnje s timskim delom in stališča do timskega dela med seboj povezana. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 109 anketirancev, od tega 37 študentov socialne pedagogike in 72 zaposlenih socialnih pedagogov. Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo študenti socialne pedagogike in zaposleni socialni pedagogi precej pozitivne izkušnje s timskim delom. Zelo dobro so ocenili izkušnje s komunikacijo v timu, s cilji v timi, z vlogami v timu, izkušnje z zadovoljevanjem potreb v timu. Najmanj pozitivno so ocenili izkušnje z evalvacijo v timu. Anketiranci imajo do timskega dela zelo pozitivna stališča. Obe skupini anketirancev se najbolj strinjata s stališčem, da je za učinkovito timsko delo potrebna dobra komunikacija. Študenti socialne pedagogike in zaposleni socialni pedagogi so si enotni tudi pri stališču, s katerim se strinjajo najmanj. Obe skupini se torej najmanj strinjata s stališčem, da se je v timu potrebno izogibati konfliktom. Med študenti socialne pedagogike in zaposlenimi socialnimi pedagogi nismo uspeli dokazati statistično pomembnih razlik glede stališč do timskega dela. Rezultati so pokazali, da med izkušnjami s timskim delom in stališči do timskega dela obstaja pozitivna povezanost. Anketiranci z bolj pozitivnimi izkušnjami s timskim delom imajo tudi bolj pozitivna stališča do timskega dela in obratno. Tisti z bolj pozitivnimi stališči do timskega dela imajo tudi bolj pozitivne izkušnje z le-tem.

Keywords:socialni pedagog
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94149 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11655753 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Teamwork of social pedagogues in terms of their experiences and attitudes
Increasingly, contemporary pedagogical approaches are based on teamwork. We speak of teamwork when a group is focused on a particular aim and the members of the group work together with a purpose of achieving the aim. In pedagogy, this means that at least two pedagogical workers at the same time are focused on the same students. In social pedagogy, teamwork is essential as well since social pedagogues can find employment in different areas, e.g. residential groups, educational institutions, school counselling, non-governmental organisation. Regardless of area of employment, to be successful, one needs to work in a team. An attitude toward teamwork affects our team activities importantly as well. It can be defined as a lasting mental readiness for a particular way of responding. An attitude consists of three basic components: cognitive, emotional and motivational component. The cognitive component is presented by knowledge, experience, information, judgement of value and arguments about team work. The emotional component includes emotional relation to team work. The motivational component is our tendency to be active and to want to work in a team. In my master’s thesis I have dealt with the following questions: what teamwork experience do students of social pedagogy and employed social pedagogues have, what are their attitudes toward teamwork and, in what way are the experience with team work and the attitudes toward teamwork related. 109 interviewees took part in the research, 37 students of social pedagogy and 72 employed social pedagogues. The results have shown that students of social pedagogy and employed social pedagogues have quite positive experience with teamwork. Experience with communication, aims, roles and fulfilling the needs in a team were estimated highly. The least positively estimated experience was regarding the evaluation in a team. The interviewees have very positive standpoint on teamwork. Both groups of interviewees agree with the attitude that good communication is needed for effective teamwork. Students of social pedagogy and employed social pedagogues are also unified in the attitude with which they agree the least, that conflicts should be avoided in a team. We couldn’t prove any statistically significant differences concerning attitudes toward teamwork between the students of social pedagogy and the employed social pedagogues. Results have shown that there is a positive relation between the experience with teamwork and attitudes toward teamwork. Interviewees with more positive experience with teamwork have more positive attitudes toward team work and vice versa, those with more positive attitudes toward teamwork have more positive experience with it.

Keywords:social pedagogues

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