
Uporaba 3D tiskalnikov v ročni protetiki : diplomsko delo
ID Markus, Nejc (Author), ID Divjak, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 21A107D9B4A5E8C4F3BF9EFA376F0641
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/6770f294-b133-43e6-8181-f90e032cec97

Uvod: Glavni cilj oskrbe s protezo je zagotoviti možnost opravljanja tistih dnevnih aktivnosti, ki so najpomembnejša za vsakega posameznika, vendar pa zaenkrat še nobena proteza zgornjega uda ne more popolnoma nadomestiti izgubljenega uda. Namen: Pregled literature s področja cenovno dostopnih 3D tiskanih protez ter poiskati in izdelati električno odprtokodno protezo s 3D tiskalnikom, znamke Zortrax M200. Metode dela: Uporabljena je deskriptivna metoda. Iskanje je potekalo od marca do maja 2017 po podatkovnih bazah, kot so Google Učenjak, Web of Science in Medline. Po pregledu je sledilo krčenje člankov na tiste iz leta 2014 ali mlajše, uporabljena literatura pa je bila s prvih treh strani zadetkov. Za poglavja anatomije in proteze za zgornje ude s pripadajočimi podpoglavji je uporabljena strokovna literatura, pridobljena v knjižnici Zdravstvene fakultete v Ljubljani. Poleg deskriptivne metode je v diplomskem delu uporabljena tudi metoda ovrednotenja dela, kjer je predstavljena izdelava cenovno dostopne proteze s pomočjo Zortrax 3D tiskalnika, njene slabosti in prednosti. Rezultati: Večina prosto dostopnih 3D tiskanih protez deluje na principu hotenega zapiranja, s pomočjo elastik in vrvic. Teža znaša od 70 g do 2000 g, cene izdelave pa se gibljejo pod 500 dolarji. Glavna pomanjkljivost večine protez na trgu je hrup in šibak prijem. Razprava in sklep: Stroški izdelave lastne proteze, brez baterije in mioelektričnih senzorjev, so znašali 85 evrov. Maksimalna moč prijema je znašala 1,02 N. Vsota gibljivosti vseh prstov zdrave roke naj bi po literaturi znašala 260°, seštevek vrednosti lastno izdelane proteze pa je 237°. 3D tisk predstavlja prihodnost, nadaljnji razvoj pa bo odpravil pomanjkljivosti in omogočil polno vključevanje posameznikov v družbo.

Keywords:3D, tisk, cenovna dostopnost, tehnologija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-93063 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5288299 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.07.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The use of 3D printers in upper limb prosthetics : final thesis
Introduction: The main goal of having prosthesis is to provide the opportunity to perform those daily activities that are most important for every individual, but for now none upper limb prosthesis can fully replace the lost limb. Purpose: Purpose is the review of literature in the field of affordable 3D printed prosthesis and to create an electrical open source prosthesis with a 3D printer brand Zortrax M200. Methods: A descriptive method was used. Search was conducted from March to May 2017, through databases such as Google Scholar, Web of Science and Medline. After a review, followed a contraction of articles on those from 2014 or younger. Used literature was from the first three pages of results. Literature from chapters of the anatomy and prosthesis for the upper limbs, with associated sub-sections, is obtained from the library of Health Sciences Faculty in Ljubljana. In addition to the descriptive method, is also used the method of evaluation work, which presents the production of affordable prosthesis using Zortrax 3D printer, its advantages and disadvantages. Results: Most of the freely accessible 3D printed prosthesis works on the principle of voluntary closing, with the help of elastic bands and cords. Weight ranges from 70 g to 2000 g, with the prices of manufacturing below $500. The main drawback of most prostheses available on market is noise and weak grip. Discussion and conclusion: Cost of making own upper limb prosthesis is 85 euros without batteries and myoelectrical sensors. The maximum grip strength was 1.02 N. The sum range of motion of the fingers healthy hands, according to the literature, is 260°, and the sum of the value own-manufactured prosthesis is 237°. 3D printing is future, however development must eliminate the deficiencies that prevents full integration of individuals into society.

Keywords:3D, printing, affordability, technology

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