
Analiza zadetkov na svetovnem nogometnem prvenstvu v Braziliji leta 2014 : magistrsko delo
ID Krajnc, Anže (Author), ID Šibila, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pocrnjič, Marko (Comentor)

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MD5: DE32E50BCCC121C6E268096E76E7E8E0
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/550b7bb5-c0d6-4734-86c2-56bd0476c9bb

Namen magistrske naloge je bil analizirati zadetke na moškem svetovnem prvenstvu v Braziliji leta 2014. Ugotoviti razlike v načinu doseganja zadetkov v pomembnih treh spremenljivkah med četrtfinalisti in ostalimi na prvenstvu v Braziliji ter med svetovnima prvenstvoma leta 2010 in leta 2014. Na svetovnem prvenstvu 2014 je bilo odigranih 64 tekem in doseženih 171 zadetkov. Z največjim povprečjem 2,67 zadetka na tekmo se je prvenstvo izenačilo s svetovnim prvenstvom leta 1998 v Franciji. Zbrane podatke smo obdelali z osnovnimi postopki opisne statistike na vseh glavnih spremenljivkah. S pomočjo programov Microsoft Excel in IBM SPSS smo izračunali vsote, povprečja in odstotkovne vrednosti. Rezultate smo prikazali v pisni in grafični obliki. Postavili smo tudi tri ničelne hipoteze, ki smo jih s pomočjo Spearmanovega korelacijskega koeficienta vse zavrnili. Bistvene ugotovitve naše raziskave so naslednje: - Prvi zadetek na tekmi je ekipam v 39 primerih prinesel zmago (60,94 %). - Najpogosteje so ekipe za dosežene zadetke uporabile hiter kontinuiran napad (30,99 %). - Več kot polovica zadetkov je bilo po podajah iz krilnega položaja (25,73 %) in prekinitev (25,15 %), zato ne preseneča, da je bilo kar 60,90 % vseh zadetkov doseženih s prvim dotikom strelca zadetka. Strelci so v 78,95 % primerih za dosego zadetka uporabili nogo in tehniko udarca s sprednjim notranjim delom stopala (28,07 %). - Kar 39,18 % zadetkov je bilo doseženih iz oddaljenosti od 5 do 11 metrov in v bližnji vratarjev kot presenetljivih 44,03 %. - Največ zadetkov so dosegli napadalci (38,60 %), kot podajalci pri zadetkih pa so se najbolj izkazali krilni zvezni igralci (22,22 %). - Največji delež zadetkov je bilo doseženih v časovnem obdobju od 61. do 75. minute (19,30 %). - Z uspešnostjo podaj se podaljšuje dolžina napada, zato ne preseneča identičen rezultat največjega deleža 32,05 % pri trajanju napadov (16 sekund ali več) in številu predhodnih podaj (več kot 9 podaj).

Keywords:Svetovno prvenstvo 2014, nogomet, analiza zadetkov
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-93040 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5150897 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.07.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of goals at the football World Cup in Brazil 2014
The thesis focuses on the analysis of goals scored at the 2014 FIFA World Cup held in Brazil and on determining the differences in goal-scoring based on three significant variables among the quarter-finalists and other participants at the above-mentioned championship, and also between the matches of the 2010 and the 2014 World Cups. 64 matches were played at the 2014 World Cup and 171 goals were scored. The average score was 2.67 per match, which equalled the highest average score of the 1998 World Cup held in France. The gathered data was analysed using basic methods of descriptive statistics on all major variables. Computer programmes Microsoft Excel and IBM SPSS were used to calculate the sums, averages and percentage rates. The results were presented in descriptive and graphic forms. The three null hypotheses which we established were disproved using the Spearman's correlation coefficient. The essential findings of our study are: - The first goal in a match secured the scoring team's victory in 39 cases (60.94%). - Teams most frequently used a fast, continuous attack to score (30.99%). - More than half of goals were scored as a result of passes from the wing positions (25.73%) or set positions (25.15%); therefore it is not surprising that as much as 60.90% of all goals were scored with the first contact of the scorer. In 78.95% of cases, the scorers used a leg and the front inner part of the foot technique (28.07%). - As much as 39.18% of goals were scored from a range of 5 to 11 metres and a surprising 44.03% were scored at the goalkeeper's near post. - The majority of goals were scored by centre-forwards (38.60%); the best assistants were wide-midfielders (22.22%). - The largest number of goals was scored in the time period from 61st to 75th minute (19.30%). - The increased success rate of passes extends the length of the attacks, therefore the identical lar

Keywords:World Cup, football, analysis of goals

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