
Stališča študentov Pedagoške fakultete UL do Slovenskega pravopisa
ID Medved, Tjaša (Author), ID Bešter Turk, Marja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Eden izmed temeljnih ciljev pouka slovenščine v osnovni in srednji šoli je razvijanje sporazumevalne zmožnosti in ta je sestavljena iz več sestavin, med njimi je tudi jezikovna zmožnost, ki pa zajema tudi pravopisno zmožnost. Kljub velikemu številu ur slovenščine med celotnim izobraževanjem ugotavljamo, da imajo tudi odrasli Slovenci težave s pravopisom. Tega se morajo zavedati že zaposleni in tudi bodoči učitelji, ker so zgled učencem. Študenti, ki se na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani (PEF UL) izobražujejo za učitelje razrednega pouka in vzgojitelje predšolskih otrok, imajo predmet slovenščino med študijem, ostale pedagoške študijske smeri pa tega predmeta nimajo. V magistrski nalogi smo s kvantitativno raziskavo ugotavljali, kako študenti raznih pedagoških študijskih smeri na PEF UL vrednotijo svoje pravopisno znanje in kaj bi želeli na področju učenja in poučevanje pravopisa spremeniti ter kako pogosto uporabljajo Slovenski pravopis in v kateri obliki. Za ta namen smo sestavili pisni anketni vprašalnik. Ugotovili smo, da študenti PEF UL dokaj visoko ocenjujejo svoje obvladovanje pravopisnih pravil, za kar pa navajajo različne vzroke. Stališča študentov o obravnavi in uporabi pravopisnih pravil v osnovni in srednji šoli so sicer zelo deljena, a študenti bi si najbolj želeli, da bi jezikovnemu delu pouka slovenščine dali več poudarka. Glede slovenščine na fakulteti pa študenti razrednega pouka in predšolske vzgoje menijo, da imajo dovolj le-te, študenti ostalih smeri, ki pouka slovenščine med študijem nimajo, pa si le-tega želijo. Študentom PEF UL se upoštevanje pravopisnih pravil zdi pomembno tako pri bodočem pedagoškem poklicu, ki ga bodo opravljali, kot tudi v vsakdanjem življenju. Raziskava je še pokazala, da najpogosteje Slovenski pravopis uporabljajo bodoči učitelji razrednega pouka, in sicer največkrat v e-obliki. S to raziskavo želimo opozoriti vse zdajšnje in bodoče učitelje slovenskih šol, da je uporaba slovenskega knjižnega jezika v zapisanih besedilih zelo pomembna v vseh razredih in pri vseh predmetih, ne samo pri pouku slovenščine. Obenem pa rezultati kažejo, da bi morali pouk slovenščine imeti vsi študenti na PEF UL.

Keywords:sporazumevalna zmožnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-93030 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11640905 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Attitudes of students of the faculty of education, university of ljubljana, towards Slovenian orthographic rules
One of the basic goals of Slovenian classes in primary and secondary schools in Slovenia is to develop communication ability, which consists of various components – one of them is language ability, which includes orthographic ability. Despite large number of hours of Slovenian classes during the whole educational path there are many adults in Slovenia who have trouble following the orthographic rules of Slovenian language. This fact should be taken into consideration by teachers and future teachers, since they are the role models for the pupils and students. The curriculum for students of the Faculty of Education at the University of Ljubljana (PEF UL) who study to become primary and preschool teachers includes Slovenian classes, while other study courses curricula do not. In this thesis we tried to find out how students of different educational study courses at PEF UL evaluate their knowledge of orthographic rules and what they would like to change in the area of studying and teaching these rules, and also how often they use Slovenian Orthography and in what form. This was done using quantitative research. For this purpose we made a written questionnaire. The results showed that students of PEF UL evaluate their knowledge of orthographic rules as quite good and they state various reasons for this. The attitudes of students towards teaching and using orthographic rules in primary and secondary schools vary a lot, but all the students think that Slovenian classes should focus more on the linguistics. The college students of primary and preschool education think that their study includes enough hours of Slovenian classes, while the students of other courses who do not have Slovenian classes in their curriculum wish this would change. The students of PEF UL consider the following of orthographic rules to be important in their future educational professions as well as in everyday life. The survey also conveys that Slovenian Orthography is most frequently used by future teachers of primary schools, and it is used mainly in e-form. With this survey we would like to point out to all present and future teachers in Slovenian schools that the correct use of Slovenian standard language in written texts is very important in all grades and in all subjects, not only in Slovenian classes. At the same time, the results show that Slovenian classes should be included in the curriculum for all PEF UL students.

Keywords:communication ability

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