
ID PÖRŠ, SAMO (Author), ID Pevcin, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 50986F55764615B5ADBE6DB68C269D97
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2db2119c-c9dd-4191-b36b-30dbe9f00bd1

Slovenija je bila v letu 2015 priča največjemu valu migrantov tako imenovani migrantski krizi drugega vala migrantov, beguncev oziroma azilantov po drugi svetovni vojni. V magistrskem delu so predstavljene vrste migracij, vzroki za nastanek migrantsko begunske krize, z opisom države kot regulatorjem nadzora migracij in primerjavo stroškov, ki jih imajo nekatere članice Evropske unije zaradi nastale migrantske krize. Opisani so dejavniki tveganja, ki zaradi tega nastanejo, prikazani in analizirani so stroški, ki jih je imela Slovenija v povezavi z drugim valom migracij, s predstavitvijo njegovega ekonomskega učinka. Postavljene so bile štiri hipoteze v okviru katerih je bilo ugotovljeno, da zaradi nastale krize preveč bremenimo svoj proračun, da nismo primerno pripravljeni in opremljeni, da bi bili sposobni začasno sprejeti večje število migrantov, da moramo zaostriti zakonodajo za sprejem prosilcev za azil, jo dodelati ter jo v veliki meri narediti primerljivo z zakonodajo sosednjih držav ter da je potreben skupen dogovor glede organizacije sprejema, evidentiranja in deportiranja migrantov. V nalogi je uporabljen deskriptivni pristop/opisani teoretični koncept stanja, dogajanja pri nas in po svetu ter metoda kompilacije/povzemanje mnenj drugih avtorjev. Ta je sestavljena iz teoretičnega in raziskovalnega dela. Stroški in število migrantov so pridobljeni z vsakodnevnim spremljanjem medijev ter objavljenih uradnih poročil Slovenije in Evrope. Analiziranje stroškov nas privede do odgovora, kaj je človeško življenje in kaj je človeško dostojanstvo, koliko je človeško življenje vredno in zakaj pomoč pri takšnih globalnih zadevah vedno pride z zamikom, ali se zadeve sploh ne rešujejo.

Keywords:azilant, migrant, begunec, migrantska kriza, migracijska pot, stroški migracijskega toka, Evropska unija, Sirija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-93003 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.07.2017
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In 2015, Slovenia witnessed the largest wave of migrants in the so-called migrant crisis of the second wave of migrants, refugees, asylum seekers after the Second World War. The master thesis presents the types of migration, the causes of migrant refugee crisis, with a description of the state as a regulator of migration control, and comparing the costs incurred by certain EU Member States due to the resulting migrant crisis. It describes the resulting risk factors, recorded and analysed are the costs incurred by Slovenia in conjunction with the second wave of migration, with the presentation of its economic impact. Four hypotheses were formed, under which it was found that due to the crisis we overcharge our budget, and that we are not properly prepared and equipped to be able to temporarily accept a greater number of migrants. Furthermore, we need to exacerbate the legislation for the reception of asylum seekers, improve it and largely make it comparable with the legislation in neighbouring countries and that a common agreement on the organization of the reception, recording and deportation of migrants is necessary. In the master thesis, we used a descriptive approach/described theoretical concept of the state, developments in our country and around the world, and the method of compilation/summarizing the opinions of other authors. It consists of theoretical and research work. The costs and the number of migrants were obtained by daily monitoring of media and official reports published in Slovenia and Europe. Analysing the costs, leads us to answer what human life is, and what human dignity is, how much is human life worth and why does help in such global issues always come with a delay or the matter is not resolved at all.

Keywords:asylum seekers, migrant, refugee, migrant crisis, migration path, the cost of migration flows, the European Union, Syria

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