
Učenci s specifičnimi učnimi težavami in sopojavnimi motnjami v Angliji
ID Kolar, Tina (Author), ID Kavkler, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vogrinc, Janez (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4537/ This link opens in a new window

Učenci s specifičnimi učnimi težavami (SUT) imajo primanjkljaje na področju temeljnih šolskih spretnosti (branje, pisanje, računanje), ki vplivajo na mnoga področja posameznikovega funkcioniranja. Med učenci s SUT je 2–4 % tistih, ki imajo izrazite SUT, ki jih v Sloveniji imenujemo primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja (PPPU). Izrazite SUT se pogosto pojavljajo skupaj z različnimi oblikami specifičnih primanjkljajev ter z nevrorazvojnimi in drugimi duševnimi motnjami. Raziskave so pokazale, da je sopojavljanje SUT in drugih motenj povezano s slabšim kognitivnim funkcioniranjem, slabšim odzivom na prejete oblike pomoči ter s pogosto izobraževalno neuspešnostjo. Pri tej skupini učencev ugotavljajo tudi več socialnih, emocionalnih in vedenjskih težav. Učenci z izrazitimi SUT in sopojavnimi drugimi motnjami zaradi izrazitih in raznolikih izobraževalnih potreb potrebujejo več in bolj specifične oblike pomoči in podpore. V Angliji se ti učenci lahko šolajo na specialnih šolah za učence s SUT, kjer poučevanje poteka v razredih z manjšim številom učencev in z večjim obsegom pomoči. V teoretičnem delu raziskave je predstavljen angleški tristopenjski model prepoznavanja in obravnave učencev z izrazitimi SUT in sopojavnimi drugimi motnjami. Izpostavljene so značilnosti učencev z izrazitimi SUT in sopojavnimi drugimi motnjami ter navedena najnovejša spoznanja iz tujih raziskav. Predstavili smo tudi specialno-pedagoške pristope, metode, strategije in prilagoditve učnega okolja, ki so primerne za učence z izrazitimi SUT in spojavnimi motnjami. Osnovni namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti značilnosti in potrebe učencev z izrazitimi SUT in sopojavnimi motnjami ter kakšnih oblik pomoči, metod, strategij in prilagoditev učnega okolja so bili deležni v rednem izobraževanju. Raziskovanje je bilo usmerjeno tudi na predstavitev primera dobre prakse poučevanja učencev z izrazitimi SUT in sopojavnimi drugimi motnjami na specialni šoli Red Rose School v Angliji za učence s SUT ter ugotoviti, kakšne oblike pomoči, metode, strategije in prilagoditev so deležni na tej šoli. V raziskavo smo vključili štiri učence z izrazitimi SUT in sopojavnimi motnjami, ki se izobražujejo na specialni šoli za učence s SUT. Podatke smo dobili z analizo sekundarnih dokumentov, aktivnega opazovanja z udeležbo in izvedbo delno strukturiranega intervjuja z ravnateljico in ravnateljem specialne šole za učence s SUT v Angliji. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali kompleksne in raznolike primanjkljaje učencev z izrazitimi SUT in sopojavnimi motnjami. Ugotovljeni primanjkljaji predstavljajo kombinacijo različnih psiholoških, kognitivnih in metakognitivnih procesov, ki so značilni za posamezne motnje. Raznolikost in izrazitost teh primanjkljajev vpliva na slabše funkcioniranje učencev na izobraževalnem področju ter večje težave prilagajanja v vsakodnevnih šolskih okoliščinah. Učenci z izrazitimi SUT in sopojavnimi motnjami so izkazovali izrazitejše težave na področju psihosocialnega prilagajanja ter pojavljanje sekundarnih motenj na socialnem, čustvenem in vedenjskem področju. Zaradi izrazitih posebnih potreb so bili v rednem osnovnošolskem izobraževanju deležni pomoči po tristopenjskem modelu prepoznavanja in obravnave učencev z učnimi težavami. Pomoč in podpora na redni šoli je v večji meri izhajala iz splošnih strategij in pristopov za delo z učenci s SUT ter ni zajemala razvijanja učenčevih močnih področij in skritih primanjkljajev. Zaradi kompleksnih posebnih potreb učenci z izrazitimi SUT in sopojavnimi motnjami potrebujejo bolj intenzivne oblike pomoči in podpore ter specializirane storitve, kar jim iz ugotovitev naše raziskave zagotavljajo na specialnih šolah za učence s SUT. Rezultati kažejo, da so na specialnih šolah učenci deležni bolj intenzivnih pristopov in oblik pomoči, ki v večji meri izhajajo iz učenčevih primanjkljajev ob upoštevanju močnih področij. Učitelji v pouk vnašajo intenzivne treninge razvoja šolskih veščin in različnih kompenzacijskih strategij. Na specialni šoli prilagojenost učnega okolja posebnim potrebam učencev s SUT, strokovna znanja pedagoških delavcev, pozitivna naravnanost in razumevanje posebnih potreb prispevajo k oblikovanju varnega okolja, kjer učenci ponovno doživijo uspeh in razvijejo strategije spoprijemanja s primanjkljaji. Rezultati magistrskega dela lahko v slovenski prostor pomembno prispevajo k iskanju učinkovitejšega modela obravnave učencev z izrazitimi posebnimi potrebami, kot so PPPU in sopojavnimi drugimi motnjami, ter predstavljajo učinkovit model šolanja učencev na specialnih šolah za učence s SUT. Na podlagi ugotovitev raziskave sklepamo, da je treba ozaveščati pedagoške delavce o pogostosti sopojavljanja SUT in drugih motenj ter o kompleksnosti njihovih primanjkljajev. V Sloveniji moramo nameniti več pozornost odkrivanju in obravnavi učencev z izrazitimi SUT in sopojavnimi motnjami ter iskanju učinkovitih oblik pomoči in podpore.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92983 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11621705 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Pupils with specific learning difficulties and comorbid forms of difficulties in England
Students with specific learning difficulties (SLD) have trouble with certain basic skills needed for school (reading, writing, arithmetic) that also affect many other areas of their general functionality. Among students with SLD, 2 – 4 % have pronounced SLD. Learning problems are usually accompanied by various forms of specific deficits, as well as disorders in neural development and other mental disorders. Research has shown that when SLD is in conjunction with other disorders, it is connected to lower cognitive functioning, lesser response to various forms of help, and education is often unsuccessful. This group of students also has more social, emotional and behavioral difficulties. Students with pronounced SLD in connection with other disorders need more specific help and support, as well as more of it, owing to their distinctive and varying educational needs. In the UK, these students can go to special schools for individuals with SLD, where the teaching process happens in classrooms with fewer students and more available help. The theoretical section of our research presents the English three-stage model of recognizing and intervention with students with pronounced SLD in conjunction with other disorders. We highlight the characteristics of students with pronounced SLD in conjunction with other disorders, and present the newest findings of international studies. We also present certain methods and strategies of special pedagogy, as well as environmental adaptations suitable for students with pronounced SLD along with another disorder. The main goal of our research was to determine the needs and characteristics of students with pronounced SLD in conjunction with other disorders, and what kinds of help, methods and adaptations of learning environment they received during their regular education. Our research also focused on the example of good practice of teaching these students at the Red Rose School in the UK for students with SLD, and finding out what kinds of help, methods, strategies and adaptations are offered at this school. Our sample includes four students with pronounced SLD and accompanying disorders, who go to this special school for students with SLD. We gained our information by analysing secondary documents, through active observation and attendance, and by conducting partially structured interviews with the two principals of the school. The results of our research showed complex and varying deficiencies in students with pronounced SLD in conjunction with other disorders. The deficiencies represent a combination of various psychological, cognitive and metacognitive processes that are characteristic of an individual disorder. The diversity and distinctiveness of these deficiencies affect these students' functioning in the area of education, as well as their difficulties in adapting to everyday school circumstances. Students with pronounced SLD in conjunction with other disorders proved to have difficulty in the area of psychosocial adaptation, as well as showing secondary disorders in social, emotional and behavioral areas. Owing to their distinctive special needs, these students were aided through the three-stage model of recognizing and intervention with students with learning difficulties while in regular primary school education. The help and support in regular school mostly stemmed from general strategies and approaches for intervention with students with SLD and did not include the development of the students' strengths and help with their hidden deficiencies. Because of their complex special needs, these students need more intensive forms of help, support and specialized assistance, which we found to be offered at special schools for students with SLD. Our results showed that special schools offer these students more intensive approaches and forms of help that stem from the students' deficits, while also taking their strengths into account. The teachers integrate intensive instruction on the development of school skills and various strategies of compensation. Special schools offer learning environments adapted to SLD students, the professional knowledge and methods of the teachers, and the positive inclination and understanding of special needs, which all contribute to the creation of a safe environment, where these students can experience success and develop strategies for dealing with their shortcomings. The results of this Master's thesis could be a valid resource in Slovenia for finding a more effective model of intervention for students with pronounced special needs, such as SLD with accompanying disorders, and they present an effective model of teaching students at special schools for students with SLD. Based on our results, we conclude that it is important to raise teachers' awareness of SLD and the possibility of it being connected with other disorders, and the complexity of these students' deficits. In Slovenia we need to focus more on recognizing and intervention for students with pronounced SLD in connection with other disorders, and on finding effective forms of help and support.


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