
Frezanje težko obdelovalnih zlitin s keramičnimi orodji
ID Kern, Matjaž (Author), ID Pušavec, Franci (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kopač, Janez (Comentor)

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MD5: 5F0528C8DFEC3E59DDAC15D7B1E52461
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/7ff334b3-0fd3-4872-88d1-7524d09519f6

V magistrskem delu je predstavljena študija strojne obdelave s frezanjem in uporabo steblastih frezal, ki so v celoti sestavljena iz keramičnega rezalnega materiala. Obstojnost teh orodij se primerja s širše uporabljenimi karbidnimi frezali pri obdelavi težko obdelovalnih kovin, pod različnimi pogoji mazanja in hlajenja. Pri obdelavi težko obdelovalnih materialov, prenašajo orodja visoke obremenitve, kar se pogosto odraža v kratki obstojnosti orodij. Vzrokov za to je veliko, med drugim imajo ti materiali slabo toplotno prevodnost, pri obdelavi prihaja do nalepka na orodju, prisotno je deformacijsko utrjevanje, itd. Med potekom eksperimentalnega dela smo spremljali obrabo in obstojnost dveh setov frezal, t. j. keramičnih in karbidnih frezal, na primeru obdelave nikljeve zlitine Inconel 718 in nerjavnega jekla 316L v različnih obdelovalnih pogojih. Izvedena je bila stroškovna analiza uporabe teh frezal. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da najdaljšo obstojnost keramičnih frezal dosežemo z obdelavo v suhem, medtem ko je potrebno karbidna frezala hladiti in mazati z emulzijami. Keramična frezala izkazujejo nekatere prednosti pred karbidnimi, a so celotni stroški uporabe keramičnih frezal zaradi visoke nabavne cene višji. Uporaba dražjih keramičnih steblastih frezal je tako smiselna zgolj pri obdelavah težko obdelovalnih zlitin.

Keywords:frezanje, keramična orodja, obstojnost orodij, Inconel 718, nerjavno jeklo 316L
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92951 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2017
KERN, Matjaž, 2017, Frezanje težko obdelovalnih zlitin s keramičnimi orodji [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Milling of hard-to-cut alloys with ceramic cutting tools
In the following master thesis study of milling process using ceramic end milling tools is presented. Tool life of ceramic end milling tools is compared with tool life of more widely used carbide end milling tools, when milling two different hard-to-cut materials under different cooling conditions. Tools are exposed to high stress and loads when they are used to machine hard-to-cut materials, which in many applications results in shorter tool life. There are many reasons why this happens, one of them is fact, that hard to cut materials usually have low temperature conductivity, there is often built up edge material present when cutting, then there is deformation hardening... All of these workpiece material properties and phenomena contribute to shorter tool life. The purpose of the experimental work was to determine machining ability of two different end mills. We used ceramic and carbide end milling tools to mill Nickel based super alloy Inconel 718 and stainless steel 316L under different cooling conditions. Through experimental work, tool wear and tool life was measured and the shape of chips was observed. Cost analysis was carried out for experiments which showed best results. Longest tool life was achieved using ceramic end milling tools in dry cutting conditions, on the other hand carbide tools performed better using flood cooling. Ceramic end milling tools showed some advantages over carbide tools, but their price is much higher which resulted in higher overall machining cost, therefore ceramic end milling tools should be used only for milling hard to cut materials.

Keywords:milling, ceramic end milling tools, tool life, Inconel 718, stainless steel 316L

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