
Ravnanje osi za absolutni linearni osni kodirnik
ID Domajnko, Miran (Author), ID Rodič, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 1400E99880DC2D12CC94B9489ABB8EE4
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/cf0fa5cc-b99e-4d4d-99bc-a54221ee01a1

Naloga opisuje iskanje vrednosti parametrov, pri katerih se induktivno zakaljene jeklene osi zravnajo dovolj za uporabo v absolutnem linearnem osnem kodirniku. Razložene so osnove delovanja kodirnika. Predstavljena sta struktura osi in teoretično ozadje postopka ravnanja. Nekatere izbrane vrednosti so opredeljene z računi, druge pa s spoznanji iz predhodnih raziskav. Opisani sta uporabljena oprema in priprava vzorcev pred ravnanjem. Uporabljene metode so metoda prednapetja, toplotna obdelava, merjenje ravnosti, merjenje trdote in numerična simulacija. Eksperimentalno delo nas vodi skozi poskuse ravnanj pri različnih temperaturah in časih toplotne obdelave. Raziskano je bilo splošno stanje ukrivljenosti dvajsetih osi v dobavljeni obliki, sledilo je iskanje pogojev za izravnavo. Prednapete osi so bile izpostavljene različnim temperaturam za različen čas. Na potek izboljševanja postopka so vplivale ugotovitve posameznih ravnanj, ki so bile sproti analizirane v obliki grafov in komentarjev. Glede na stopnjo izravnave in izgubo trdote med ravnanjem so bili izbrani najprimernejši pogoji ravnanja. Ocenjena je bila uporabnost predlaganega postopka izravnave za uporabo v industrijski proizvodnji in skladnost pričakovanega rezultata s predpisanimi tolerancami v senzoriki.

Keywords:os, ravnanje, napetosti, senzor, toplotna obdelava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92917 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.07.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Shaft straightening for absolute linear shaft encoder
My final thesis deals with slightly bent induction hardened steel shafts. The aim is to find parameters which would make them straight enough for their use in sensors, in accordance with tolerances of an absolute linear shaft encoder. Shaft structure and theoretical background are presented to argument the selection of researched parameters. Some parameter values are chosen by calculation and some are based on available literature and previous researches. The basic working principle of an absolute linear shaft encoder is described with intent of explaining the need for shafts to be so straight. The thesis work includes the method of preloading, heat treatment, straightness measuring, hardness measuring and numerical simulation. Experimental work guides us through different intentions of shaft straightening at different temperatures and times of heat treatment. The general condition of shafts before straightening was examined. Shafts were then preloaded and exposed to different temperatures for different time. The procedure of straightening was affected by regularly analysed results. Most appropriate parameters were chosen based on straightness improvement and loss of hardness. Considering the necessary and sufficient conditions for the use in sensors, the usefulness of proposed method was evaluated for its use in industrial production.

Keywords:shaft, straightening, stress, sensor, heat treatment

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