
Analiza širjenja elektromehanske motnje v elektroenergetskem sistemu
ID KRALJ, PRIMOŽ (Author), ID Rudež, Urban (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 639918C909E72D4B71295603AB99A89B
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/d1d80bf2-bfa2-4a98-b1a6-1e4e6b69ec86

Magistrsko delo na enostaven način obravnava širjenje elektromehanske motnje v elektroenergetskem sistemu. Osnovna ideja je v tem, da slehernemu bralcu, bodisi laiku ali bodočemu študentu elektroenergetike, na čim bolj enostaven način predstavimo pojav elektromehanske motnje in širjenje le-te. Delo je sestavljeno iz: • teoretičenga uvoda; v tem delu gre za navajanje osnov in pojmov, ki so nujno potrebni za razumevanje same tematike; • osrednjega dela; del v katerem so predstavljeni praktični primeri, ki bralcu na različne načine podajo vpogled v obravnavan pojav. Praktični primeri ne zajemajo kompleksnih topologij omrežij, ki jih lahko danes zasledimo v realnih sistemih, pač pa osnovne topologije, ki so v bistvu sestavni del velikih sistemov. Vsekakor se kompleksnost ali bolje rečeno, red praktičnih primerov skozi magistrsko delo stopnjuje, pri tem pa so vselej uporabljeni enaki elementi. Omrežja so modelirana z zbiralkami, tako imenovana vozlišča, na katere so preko tranzientne reaktance X'd priključeni sinhronski generatorji z vztrajnostno konstanto H in rotorskim kotom δr, povezave med zbiralkami pa so modelirane zgolj z vzdolžno reaktanco Xv. Pri opazovanju pojava smo za različne topologije spreminjali veličine, ki bistveno vplivajo na širjenje oziroma bolje rečeno na hitrost širjenja elektromehanske motnje. To sta vztrajnostna konstanta generatorja in vzdolžna reaktanca, ki pa sta tudi glavna gradnika obravnavanih omrežij; • zaključnega dela; del kjer so povzete ugotovitve na podlagi osrednjega dela, predlogi za izboljšanje ter nadgradnjo magistrskega dela ter ostalih del s sorodno tematiko.

Keywords:elektromehanska motnja, vztrajnostna konstanta generatorja, impedance prenosne poti, čas prihoda motnje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92874 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.07.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of electro-mechanical disturbance propagation in a power system
This master's thesis discusses electromechanical disturbance propagation in an electric power system in simple terms. The basic idea is to explain the phenomenon of electromechanical disturbance and its propagation to every reader, either a layman or a future student of electrical power engineering. The thesis comprises: • a theoretical study, which introduces the basics and the concepts necessary to understand this topic; • the main part with practical cases providing an insight into the topic in various ways. The cases do not include complex network topologies of today's actual systems, but basic topologies, which are in fact a part of large power systems. However, the complexity of the practical cases increases throughout the thesis; all the while using the same elements. The networks are modeled with busbars, which are linked to synchronous generators with inertia constant H and rotor angle δr through transient reactance X'd; the links between the busbars, however, are modeled only with imaginary part of impendance, reactance Xv. The phenomenon was observed by changing the parameters that significantly affect the propagation, or rather the speed of electromechanical disturbance propagation for different topologies. These parameters are inertia constant and transmission line reactance, which are also the main components of the observed networks; • the conclusion, where the findings from the main part of the thesis are summarized, and recommendations for improving and upgrading this thesis and related papers are provided.

Keywords:: electromechanical disturbance, inertia constant of a generator, transmission line impedance, disturbance arrival time

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