
ID TOMŠIČ KLARIČ, ALENKA (Author), ID Klun, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 7FC419CA8A4269590541D737D17BD71F
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/77695292-471b-4852-b073-26be091847fd

V obdobju finančne in gospodarske krize je bila za ohranjanje stabilnosti celotnega gospodarstva Evropske unije in učinkovitega razporejanja javnofinančnih sredstev ena od glavnih nalog sprejetje strogih ukrepov za omejevanje fiskalnih politik. V magistrski nalogi sem proučevala učinke varčevalnih ukrepov in vplive sprejetih fiskalnih pravil na proračune izbranih evropskih držav. Poleg Slovenije sem izbrala še Nemčijo kot vodilno gospodarstvo v Evropi, sosednje države Italijo, Avstrijo in Hrvaško ter Španijo in Grčijo kot državi, ki sta že prejeli finančno pomoč Evropske unije. Z interpretacijo in analizo primarnih in sekundarnih virov sem proučevala vrste in učinke ukrepov tako za zmanjševanje porabe javnofinančnih izdatkov, kot za spodbujanje gospodarske rasti, konkurenčnosti in zaposlovanja, izvedla sem večletno analizo in primerjavo gibanja javnofinančnih dolgov in javnofinančnih primanjkljajev posameznih držav, opisala pravni okvir, ki ureja področje javnih financ ter rezultate primerjala z mednarodnimi študijami, ki poudarjajo predvsem negativne učinke varčevalnih ukrepov, vzroke za nastalo dolžniško krizo in pomanjkanje socialnega dialoga pri krčenju porabe javnih sredstev. Nadaljevala sem s pregledom proračunskih reform z vidika računovodenja javnega sektorja, uporabe mednarodnih računovodskih standardov ter analizirala in predstavila uporabo transparentnejšega računovodenja javnega sektorja po načelu nastanka poslovnega dogodka. Na osnovi rezultatov analiz in podatkov sem ugotovila, da so varčevalni ukrepi sicer vplivali na zmanjšanje javnofinančnega primanjkljaja, niso pa odpravili javnega dolga, zato sem za učinkovitejše razporejanje in porabo javnih sredstev predlagala sprejem ter izvajanje dodatnih notranjih in zunanjih kontrol, merjenje in povečanje učinkovitosti celotnega javnega sektorja, sankcioniranje nespoštovanja zakonodaje ter uvedbo vrednotenja javnih storitev in povečanje nadzora nad gospodarskimi subjekti, ki sodelujejo z javnim sektorjem.

Keywords:finančna in gospodarska kriza, javni sektor, državni proračun, javni dolg, javnofinančni primanjkljaj, računovodenje javnega sektorja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92819 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.07.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of financial crisis on planning budgeting
To maintain economic stability of entire European union economy and efficient distribution of public funds in the circumstances of financial and economic crisis, the major task was adopting rigorous measures for restricting fiscal policies. In my Master's thesis I have examined the impacts of austerity measures and the influences of adopted fiscal rules on the budgets of selected European countries. Along with Slovenia I choosed Germany as a leading economy in Europe, Slovenia's neighbouring countries Italy, Austria, Croatia and also Spain and Greece, as the countries, which had already received financial aid from European Union. With interpretation and analysis of primary and secondary sources I examined the nature and effects of different kinds of measures as to reduce public spending as well as fostering economic growth, competitiveness and employment. I did a multi-year analysis, compared the fluctuation of public debts and fiscal deficits in the individual Member States and described the legal framework that governs the area of public finances. I compared the results with international studies that stress in particular the negative effects of austerity measures and examined the reasons for the debt crisis and the lack of social dialogue in the shrinkage of public funds spending. I continued to review budgetary reforms in terms of public sector accounting and analysed application of international accounting standards and presented the use of transparent public sector accounting on the principle of accrual accounting. On the basis of these results, I found that saving measures had some impact on the reduction of the fiscal deficit, but they had not eliminated the public debt. For more efficient allocation and use of public resources I proposed the adoption and implementation of additional internal and external controls. Furthermore, I proposed to measure the efficiency of the entire public sector and to sanction failure to comply with legislation. Along with that I proposed to evaluate public services and to increase control over economic subjects that cooperate with public sector.

Keywords:financial and economic crisis, the public sector, state budget, public debt, deficit, public sector accounting

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