
Vadba za moč pri ženskah z osteoporozo : magistrsko delo
ID Štesl, Nastasja (Author), ID Strojnik, Vojko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 8D432BAFB18EC23A418ADD5494BAA7CD
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/032379b5-3395-4798-9e5f-105227ef60f2

Za osteoporozo sta značilni majhna kostna masa in poslabšanje mikroarhitekture kostnega tkiva, kar vodi do povečanega tveganja za zlome. Globalno breme osteoporoze je veliko in se lahko primerja z drugimi kroničnimi nenalezljivimi boleznimi. V Sloveniji je razširjenost osteoporoze pri ženskah po 50. letu 27,5%. Danes je tveganje, da 50-letna ženska bele rase do konca življenja utrpi osteoporozni zlom kolka, vretenca ali zapestja, 40–53%. Eden boljših načinov za ohranjanje kostne mase je telesna aktivnost, ki poveča fizične obremenitve kosti. Trening za moč je ena izmed aktivnosti, ki se vedno bolj uporablja za ohranjanje ali celo povečanje mineralne gostote kosti. V magistrskem delu smo preučevali, ali vadba za moč pri ženskah z osteoporozo vpliva na potek bolezni, in obravnavali razlike med različnimi oblikami vadbe za moč ter njene kontraindikacije. Pregledali smo literaturo in dosedanje delo na izbranem področju. Večina raziskav je pokazala, da se kostna masa pri vadbi za moč poveča in da se tveganje za padce pri starejši populaciji zmanjša. Ugotovili smo, da je s povečanjem kostne gostote bolj povezano maksimalno breme kot pa večje število ponovitev z lažjim bremenom. To smo upoštevali tudi pri oblikovanju primera vadbenega programa za 60-letno žensko z osteoporozo. Identificirali smo vaje, ki so kontraindicirane, ter jih izključili iz vadbenega programa. Pomembna je redna, vseživljenjska vadba (ob urejeni prehrani), ki jo izvajamo vzporedno s farmakološkim zdravljenjem.

Keywords:osteoporoza, ženske, vadba, moč, vadba za moč, menopavza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92810 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5151665 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.07.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Strength training in women with osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is characterized by low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue leading to an increased risk of fractures. The global burden of osteoporosis is heavy and can be compared with other chronic noncommunicable diseases. In Slovenia, the prevalence of osteoporosis in women over 50 is at 27.5 %. At the age of 50 there is a 40–53 % chance a woman of white race will suffer an osteoporotic hip, vertebral or wrist fracture by the end of her life. One of the best ways to maintain the bone mass is physical activity which increases the physical demands placed on the bone. Strength training is one of the activities that are increasingly used to maintain or even increase mineral density of the bone. We have studied whether the strength exercises in women with osteoporosis affect the course of the disease, the differences between the different forms of exercise for strength and it’s contraindications. We reviewed the literature and previous work in the chosen field. Most research has shown that strength training increases bone mass and reduces the risk of falls in elderly population. We have found that the maximum load is more associated with an increase in bone density than with the number of repetitions with a lighter load. This was taken into account in the design of tutorial program for 60-year-old woman with osteoporosis. We have identified exercises that are contraindicated and excluded them from the training program. Regular, lifelong exercise (with a regulated diet), performed parallel to the pharmacological treatment, is important.

Keywords:osteoporosis, women, exercise, strength, strength training, menopause

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