
Vpliv barvne kombinacije na čitljivost na LCD zaslonih
ID Pangerc, Maruša (Author), ID Možina, Klementina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 6F7EB8C74217247FC711E3FC6E208098
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c179314c-1296-418c-9976-6c345026d729

Nenehna rast tehnologije in širjenje interneta sta glavna dejavnika za vedno manjšo uporabo tiskanih medijev in vedno večji krog internetnih bralcev. Slednje je pripeljalo do razvoja visoko ločljivih zaslonov, med katerimi so najbolj razširjeni zasloni s tekočimi kristali (LCD). Kljub visoki ločljivosti še vedno obstaja problem čitljivosti pisav. Veliko pisav, ki so dobro čitljive v tiskanih medijih, je na zaslonih težje ali težko čitljivih. Za dobro čitljivost na zaslonih sta bili oblikovani pisavi georgia in verdana. Na čitljivost pisav vpliva veliko dejavnikov, kot so na primer oblika in velikost pisave, razmik, dolžina vrstic in navsezadnje tudi kontrast in barva. Za dobro čitljivost je potrebno skrbno izbrati tako barvo pisave kot tudi barvo ozadja. V raziskavi je bilo preverjeno, katere barvne kombinacije baročne pisave georgia so dobro in katere slabo čitljive ter katere barvne kombinacije linearne pisave verdana so dobro in katere slabo čitljive na LCD zaslonu. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da izbira barvne kombinacije in kontrasta v veliki meri vpliva na hitrost branja, torej na čitljivost. Manj kontrastne barvne kombinacije besedila in ozadja se berejo veliko počasneje kot bolj kontrastne kombinacije. Najhitrejše branje je bilo pri negativni barvni kombinaciji, torej pri svetli pisavi na črnem ozadju. Rezultati so pokazali tudi, da se pisava georgia bere lažje in hitreje kot pisava verdana.

Keywords:barvne kombinacije, LCD zaslon, čitljivost, hitrost branja, georgia, verdana
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92748 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.07.2017
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Title:The impact of color combinations on the legibility on LCD displays
A constant rise in technology and the expansion of the internet are two main factors which contributed to the decline of the use of printed media and a continuously larger circle of internet readers. This has brought the evolution of high resolution displays, especially liquid crystal displays (LCD) which are among the most used ones. Despite high resolutions there are still problems in legibility of fonts. Many fonts are perfectly readable in print, but more difficult to read on screens. For a better legibility, the fonts georgia and verdana have been designed. There are a lot of factors which contribute to the legibility of fonts, such as the shape and size of the font, spacing, line length and, last but not least, also contrast and color. In order to achieve good legibility, not only the color of the font, but also the color of the background, needs to be carefully selected. In this research, it has been compared which color combinations of the baroque Georgia font have good or bad legibility and which color combinations of the linear Verdana font have good or bad legibility on an LCD screen. It was discovered that the selection of a particular color combination and contrast greatly effects the speed of reading and the legibility. Less contrasting color combinations of text and background are read more slowly than more contrasting ones. The fastest reading has been achieved with a negative color combination, that is brighter text on a black background. The results have also shown that Georgia font is easier and faster to read than Verdana font.

Keywords:color combinations, LCD screen, legibility, reading speed, Georgia, Verdana

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