
Gibka papirna embalaža s PLA bariernim premazom
ID Pečjak, Nastja (Author), ID Gregor Svetec, Diana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 28F48D2AC833FC60E0495F4F922A2402
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0a18fc70-e7ad-419a-95c2-fe1bae27cc2b

V diplomskem delu je v teoretičnem delu predstavljen pomen in funkcija embalaža ter okoljski problem odpadne embalaže. Papirna embalaža, premazana s sintetičnimi polimeri ni biorazgradljiva in se težje reciklira, zato iščejo rešitve v naravnih biorazgradljivih premazih. Eden izmed možnih biorazgradljivih polimerov je polimlečna kislina ali polilaktid (PLA), ki je primeren za uporabo v prehrambeni industiji (jedilni pribor, skodelice, embalaže pekovskih izdelkov, vrečke, itd.). V diplomskem delu sta predstavljena uporabljena materiala, to sta papir in polimer PLA, opisan je postopek raztapljanja PLA v različnih topilih: ksilenu, etil acetatu in diklorometanu ter postopek premazovanja papirja z različnimi koncentracijami raztopin PLA na ročnem premazovalniku. Na nepremazanem in premazanem papirju so bile določene osnovne in površinske lastnosti ter vpojnost. Vrečki za pekovske izdelke dveh različnih proizvajalcev sta bili testirani z namenom pridobiti referenčne vrednosti za barierne lastnosti premazanih embalažnih papirjev. Osnovni cilj diplomske naloge je bil poiskati primerno topilo za raztapljanje PLA granulata in ugotoviti najustreznejšo koncentracijo PLA raztopine za premazovanje papirja. S primerjavo lastnosti papirja pred in po premazovanju z različnimi koncentracijami in nanosi PLA premaza je bil namen določiti optimalno koncentracijo in količino nanosa za zagotovitev dobrih zapornih lastnosti papirja. Analiza rezultatov meritev osnovnih, prepustnih, vpojnih in površinskih lastnosti je pokazala, da PLA premaz dobro zapolni površino, zmanjša poroznost, omočljivost in jo naredi neprepustno za vodo. Primerjava z lastnostmi embalažnega papirja je pokazala, da se že s 15 % raztopino PLA v diklorometanu pri višjem nanosu dosežejo enake oz. boljše barierne lastnosti kot jih imata analizirani papirnati vrečki.

Keywords:embalažni material, PLA premaz, ročni premazovalnik, analiza papirja, papirnate vrečke
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92746 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.07.2017
PEČJAK, Nastja, 2017, Gibka papirna embalaža s PLA bariernim premazom [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Flexible paper packaging with PLA barier coating
The diploma thesis introduces the meaning and the function of packaging and envirnomental problems concerning waste packaging. Paper packaging, coated with the synthetic polymers is not biodegredable and is not easy to recycle, so the solution is in the natural biodegradable coating. One of the possible biodegredable polymers is polylactid acid or polylactide (PLA), which is suitable for applications in the food industry (citlery, cups, packaging of bakery products, bags, etc.). In diploma thesis used materials, i.e. paper and polymer PLA are described, the procedure of PLA dissolving in three different solvents: xylene, ethyl acetate and dichloromethane and the procedure of paper coating with PLA solution in different concentrations by a manual coating machine are presented. Certain basic, surface and absorbent characteristics were determined on both types of paper – coated and non-coated one. The bags for bakery wares of two different manufacturers were tested in order to gain reference values for barrier characteristics of coated packaging paper. The basic goal of the diploma thesis was to find a suitable solvent for PLA granulat dissolving and the most proper concentration of PLA solution for paper coating. By comparing the characteristics of paper before and after coating with various concentrations and PLA coating applications the purpose was to determine optimum concentration and application quantity to provide good barrier characteristics of paper. The analysis of basic, absorbent and surface characteristics showed that PLA coating filled up the surface well, reduces porosity, wetabilty and makes it water tight. The comparison with packaging paper characteristics has shown that 15% concentration of PLA in dichloromethane with a bigger application achieves the same or even better barrier characteristics than both paper bags analyzed.

Keywords:packaging material, PLA coating, manual coating machine, paper analysis, paper bags

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