
Transfuzija krvi skozi zgodovino : pregled literature
ID Frankovič, Uroš (Author), ID Gregorc, Cvetka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: A44691C8EE8958D927EF3E32CF9DC860
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/f033daf9-e2a0-47ff-b6dd-dc9cfc46f969

Uvod: Star izrek pravi, da brez krvi ni življenja. Človeško telo je že od nekdaj veljalo za misterij, kri pa je ljudi navdajala z čudenjem. Njenega pomena in ključne vloge pri ohranjanju življenja so se zavedale celo najzgodnejše civilizacije. Kljub temu pa je do prvih uspehov pri prenašanju krvi s človeka na človeka prišlo šele v sodobnem času. Za dosego tega cilja je bilo namreč potrebno temeljito poznavanje delovanja krvnega obtoka in človeškega telesa. Za to pa je bil nujen razvoj znanosti, še posebej medicine. Namen: V diplomskem delu je s pomočjo pregleda literature prikazan vpliv zgodovinskih dogodkov in odkritij na razvoj transfuzijske dejavnosti ter problemi, s katerimi se je zdravstveno osebje srečevalo pri zdravljenju s krvjo. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela s pregledom znanstvene in strokovne literature. Zbiranje literature je trajalo od junija 2016 do februarja 2017. Glede na tematiko se nismo omejili na časovni obseg iskanja literature. Literaturo smo iskali z angleškim ključnimi besedami: transfusion, history, blood, war, nurses. Besede so bile kombinirane z Boolovim operatorjem AND. Iskali smo v naslednjih podatkovnih bazah: CINAHL, Medline (Pub Med), DiKUL in COBIB.SI. Identificiranih je bilo 345.467 zadetkov. Na podlagi vseh izključitvenih kriterijev, smo za predstavitev v diplomskem delu zbrali 38 del. Razprava in sklep: Transfuzija krvi nedvomno predstavlja enega pomembnih in pogostokrat nenadomestljivih načinov zdravljenja. Zato ni prav nič presenetljivo, da je zamisel o prenosu krvi burila duhove že v starih kulturah. Sprva so poskusi zdravljenja s krvjo terjali veliko smrtnih žrtev. Razvoj transfuzije pa se s tem ni ustavil. Vrhunec je dosegel v začetku 20. stol. z odkritjem krvnih skupin in natrijevega citrata kot antikoagulanta. Vsa nova odkritja so se za zelo koristna izkazala med obema svetovnima vojnama, ko je transfuzija krvi ob dobro organizirani transfuzijski službi rešila veliko življenj. Zaupanje v transfuzijo se je povrnilo. Z uvedbo prostovoljnega krvodajalstva je zdravljenje s krvjo postalo varnejše kot kdajkoli poprej. Veliko zaslug za to gre pripisati tudi razvoju zdravstvene nege in medicinskim sestram, katerih vloga je bila med obema svetovnima vojnama neprecenljiva. Le-ta je v sodobni transfuzijski praksi, zaradi dodatno pridobljenega strokovnega znanja in večjih delovnih pristojnosti postala še pomembnejša.

Keywords:transfuzija krvi, zgodovina, vojna, medicinske sestre
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92742 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5279083 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.07.2017
FRANKOVIČ, Uroš, 2017, Transfuzija krvi skozi zgodovino : pregled literature [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:History of blood transfusion : literature review
Introduction: An old saying states: no blood, no life. The human body was from time immemorial a mystery and people have always been fascinated by blood. Even ancient civilizations were aware of its importance and crucial role in maintaining life. Nevertheless, the first human to human blood transfusion was performed successfully no earlier than in modern time, which required thorough understanding of blood circulation and the functioning of the human body in general. All of that was based on science, especially medicine. Purpose: This thesis is based on a review of literature to provide insight into the impact of historic events and discoveries on the development of transfusion and the issues medical staff encountered when treating patients with blood. Methods: The descriptive method was used in the research by means of an overview of scientific and expert literature lasting from June 2016 to February 2017. Considering the nature of the topic, the time frame for the resources was not limited. The following keywords were used in the search: transfusion, history, blood, war, nurses. The keywords were used in conjunction with Boolean operator AND in these databases: CINAHL, Medline (Pub Med), DiKUL and COBIB.SI. A total of 345,467 hits were identified, of which 38 were selected with regard to all the exclusion criteria. Discussion and conclusion: Blood transfusion is undoubtedly one of the important and rather irreplaceable ways of treatment, which is why it comes as no surprise that the idea of blood transfusion seemed intriguing to ancient cultures. At first, attempts to treat with blood often resulted in death, but in no way hampered further development of transfusion. The procedure peaked at the beginning of the 20th century after the discovery of blood types and sodium citrate as an anticoagulant. Those discoveries proved to be particularly useful in the interwar period when well-organised blood transfusion services saved many lives. As a result, blood transfusion once again earned people's trust. The introduction of voluntary blood donation meant that treatment with blood became safer than ever. This could be attributed to the development of nursing care and nurses, who played a vital role in the interwar period. Nursing care in modern transfusion practices became even more important owing to thorough knowledge and more professional responsibilities.

Keywords:blood transfusion, history, war, nurses

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