
Oblastno nasilje nad ne-državljani na Madžarskem: golo življenje na mejah trdnjave
ID Žalig, Matej (Author), ID Razpotnik, Špela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi raziskujem intimno razmerje med golim življenjem ljudi, ki ni politično priznano in sankcionirano, in zakonsko-pravnim redom, ki ga ohranja in vzpostavlja suverena oblast. Na primeru madžarske protimigracijske politike med leti 2015 in 2017 ugotavljam, da vlada sistematično de-humanizira in degradira migrante iz t.i. tretjih držav na raven golega življenja, posledično pa so neposredno in brez pravic izpostavljeni brutalnemu nasilju in zatiranju s strani oblasti. Po G. Agambenu se je namreč, v metafizični tradicije Zahoda, politično polje vzpostavilo preko izključitve golega življenja, ki je vanj vključeno zgolj tako, da se ga lahko nekaznovano ubije. V času množičnih migracijskih gibanj skozi Balkan v letih 2015 in 2016 pa je ravno moč migrantov izsilila ne-legalni državno organiziran tranzit od grških otokov do severa Evrope. Ugotavljam, da so začasen in »progresiven« suspenz mejnih režimov in zakonov evropske oblasti izrabile za ponovno vzpostavitev reda in kontrole. Kljub temu pa je za kratek čas vzniknil potencial za razrešitev napetosti med golim življenjem in zakonsko-pravnim redom, v katerem bi prevladale življenjske potrebe ljudi.

Keywords:golo življenje
Work type:Not categorized
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92720 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11598409 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.06.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Sovereign violence against non-citizens in Hungary: bare life at the treshold of the fortress
The thesis researches the intimate relation between bare human life, which is politically unrecognized and unsanctioned, and the legal order, which is established and maintained by sovereign power. In the case of Hungary’s anti-migration politics between 2015 and 2017, the government is systematically dehumanizing and degrading migrants, from the so-called third countries, to the level of bare life, and therefore they are exposed to brutal violence and oppression from the authorities, without any mediation of rights and laws. According to G. Agamben, the establishment of the political field in the metaphysical tradition of the West is possible only through the exclusion of bare life, which is included only through its capacity to be killed with impunity. However, in the time of mass migratory movements through the Balkans in 2015 and 2016, it was the power of migrants which forced the creation of a non-legal, state-organized transit from the Greek islands to the north of Europe. I am arguing that the temporary and “progressive” suspension of border regimes and laws was used by European authorities to reestablish order and control. Nevertheless, for a short period of time, the potential to resolve the tension between bare life and the legal order appeared, in which the needs of people would prevail.

Keywords:bare life

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