
Vpliv različne dopolnilne obdelave tal na kakovost in pridelek navadnega korenja (Daucus carota L.)
ID Florjančič, Anže (Author), ID Bernik, Rajko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V okviru diplomskega dela smo na Drnovem pri Mengšu, kjer so tla pretežno skeletna, izvedli poskus o tem, kako dopolnilna obdelava tal vpliva na kakovost in pridelek navadnega korenja (v nadaljevanju korenček) (Daucus carota L.). Pridelovali smo zgodnje korenje sorte 'Bilbo', tipa Nantes na ilovnatih tleh. V okviru poskusa smo imeli dve obravnavanji. V prvem obravnavanju smo zemljišče dopolnilno pred setvijo obdelali z vrtavkasto brano, ki zgornjo plast ornice (15-20 cm) le premeša. Druga dopolnilna obdelava tal pa je bila izvedena s prekopalnikom s klini, ki v ornici (25-30 cm), z visoko hitrostjo rotorja, na katerem so nameščeni klini, razbije grude. Kamenje in preostale grude zabije v spodnjo plast ornice, preostala zemlja pa je uporabljena za lehe. Setev in vso oskrbo pridelka smo izvedli v obeh obravnavanjih istočasno na enak, integriran način. Ugotovili smo, da je bilo pri obdelavi tal z vrtavkasto brano v tleh 20,5 % skeleta, večjega od 2 mm, pri obdelavi tal s prekopalnikom s klini pa je bilo v tleh 9,07 % skeleta, večjega od 2 mm. Pri dopolnilni obdelavi tal z vrtavkasto brano je bila povprečna kalivost korenčka 73,3 %, povprečen pridelek korenčka je bil 64,8 t/ha, od tega 32,6 t/ha (50,3%) tržnega korenčka »ekstra« razreda. Izkrivljenost korenov je bila v povprečju 7,1 °. Pri dopolnilni obdelavi tal s prekopalnikom s klini pa je bila povprečna kalivost korenčka 91 %, pridelek znašal 75,6 t/ha, od tega je bilo 49,5 t/ha (65,5%) pridelka »ekstra« razreda. Korenček je bil v povprečju izkrivljen 5,16°.

Keywords:kmetijska mehanizacija, dopolnilna obdelava tal, vrtavkaste brane, prekopalniki s klini, navadno korenje, Daucus carota, kakovost, pridelek
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[A. Florjančič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92595 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8744569 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.06.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of different complementary tillage on quality and yield of carrot crop (Daucus carota L.)
For this diploma we have conducted an experiment near Mengeš at Drnovo field where the soil is mostly gravel based. We were trying to establish, how the complementary soil tillage affects on the quality and yield of carrot crop (Daucus carota L.). Cultivation was composed of early spring carrot of 'Bilbo' variety, Nantes type, harvested on loamy soil. We dealt with two types of complementary tillage. Firstly, we complementary processed the soil before sowing, with a rottary harrow which is used solely for the stiring of the upper section of arable land (15-20 cm). The secondary type of complimentary tillage was made with a rottary cultivator that, with the help of a high speed rotor using spikes, fragments the clumps. Stones and the remaining clumps are consequently burried under the bottom layer of the arable land (25-30 cm). The remaining soil is used for the ridges. The approach towards the sowing and crop care was in both types of the complimentary tillage conducted identically, in an integrated manner. When the soil was tillaged with a rottary harrow we have identified that the soil was composed of 20.5 % of stones bigger than 2 mm. When the rottary cultivator with spikes was used, the soil was composed of 9.07 % of stones bigger than 2 mm. The complimentary soil tillage of the crop yield using the rottary harrow resulted with the average germination of 73.3 % with 64,8 tons of carrot per hectar, of which 32.6 tons (50.3 %) were labeled as extra grade yield of carrot. The carrots were in general distorted 7,1°. The complimentary soil tillage using the rottary cultivator resulted with the average germination of 91 % with 75.6 tons of carrot per hectar, of which 49.5 tons (65.5 %) were labeled as extra grade yield of carrot. The carrots, in this case, were in general distorted 5.16°.

Keywords:agricultural machinery, rottary cultivator, rottary harrow, complementary soil tillage, complementary tillage, carrots, Daucus carota, quality, crop yields

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