
Pomen odnosa študenta zdravstvene nege do pacienta z duševno motnjo v času kliničnega usposabljanja : poročilo o raziskavi
ID Medved, Marija (Author), ID Sotler, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lapanja, Aljoša (Comentor)

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MD5: 6F9D16111F483D9F8107A0C6A7936109
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/dd4ac7f2-c160-4b51-81cd-7dba62abba32

Uvod: Na potek kliničnega usposabljanja študenta pomembno vpliva predhodna teoretična priprava. Prav tako vplivajo predsodki in strah, ki jih ima študent pred začetkom kliničnega usposabljanja. Na kvaliteto kliničnega usposabljanja pomembno vpliva tudi klima oddelka in sprejetost študenta v zdravstveno negovalni tim. Zelo pomembno vlogo igrata šolski in klinični mentor, saj se študent lahko sooči s težkimi situacijami, ki jim ni sam kos, kot je na primer nasilno vedenje pacienta z duševno motnjo. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati odnos študentov zdravstvene nege pred, med in po kliničnem usposabljanju iz zdravstvene nege na področju psihiatrije. Metode dela: Raziskava je temeljila na deskriptivni metodi kvantitativnega raziskovanja, kjer je bil uporabljen vprašalnik. V raziskavo so bili vključeni študenti zdravstvene nege na Zdravstveni fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, ki so že zaključili klinično usposabljanje na področju psihiatrije. Zbiranje vprašalnikov je potekalo od meseca marca do meseca maja 2017. Vprašalnik smo izvedli s pomočjo spletnega orodja 1KA oziroma EnKlikAnketa. Podatke pridobljene z vprašalnikom, smo obdelali v računalniškem programu IBM SPSS Statistic 22. Rezultati: V raziskavo smo vključili 98 študentov zdravstvene nege. 51 % študentov meni, da niso pridobili dovolj teoretičnega znanja pred kliničnim usposabljanjem. V 86,7 % so se študenti počutili sprejete v zdravstveno negovalni tim, v 73,5 % pa so delovno klimo oddelka ocenili kot zelo dobro. Pri 48 % študentov je bil pred kliničnim usposabljanjem prisoten strah, ki je v 20,4 % med in po kliničnem usposabljanju izginil, v 24,5 % pa se je zmanjšal. V 70,4 % so študenti povedali, da pred kliničnim usposabljanjem niso imeli predsodkov do pacientov z duševno motnjo. 15,3 % študentov pa je med kliničnim usposabljanem izkusila nasilje s strani pacienta. Razprava in sklep: Naša raziskava tako kot tuje ugotavljajo, da je zelo pomembna teoretična priprava študenta pred kliničnim usposabljanjem. Pomembno je tudi, da sta šolski in klinični mentor študentom na voljo za pogovor v primeru stresnih situacij med kliničnim usposabljanjem, kot je nasilno vedenje pacienta. Na to temo bi bilo še potrebno izvesti raziskave

Keywords:psihiatrija, klinična praksa, študenti, stigma, verbalno nasilje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92585 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5277547 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.06.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The importance of nursing student relationship towards a patient with mental disorder during clinical practice : research report
Introduction: The effectiveness of a student's clinical training depends on several factors, including his/her previous theoretical preparation, prejudice and anxiety, as well as the social atmosphere in the medical department and the acceptance by the health care team. Educational and clinical tutors play an important supportive role by helping students to cope with difficult situations, such as violent behavior by mentally disordered patients. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was to explore the attitude of health care students prior to, during and after their clinical training in psychiatric nursing. Methods: The research was based on a descriptive quantitative method and a survey which involved nursing students from the Faculty of Health Sciences, Ljubljana, who had already completed clinical training in psychiatry. The survey was carried by using the 1KA and EnKlikAnketa online tools and the questionnaires were collected between March and May of 2017. The data obtained through a questionnaire were processed by the IBM SPSS Statistic 22 computer software. Results: Out of 98 nursing students who participated in the survey, 51 % stated that they had not possessed sufficient theoretical knowledge at the start of their clinical training, 86.7 % felt accepted by their health care teams and 73.5 % assessed the working atmosphere in the department as very good. 48 % of the students experienced anxiety before their clinical training; in 20.4 % of cases this anxiety dissappeared during or after the training, and in 24.5 percent of cases it decreased. 70.4 % of the students denied having any prejudices against mentally disordered patients before the training. During the training 15.3 % of the students experienced some form of violence by the patients. Discussion and conclusion: Our survey – along with others carried out abroad – has reaffirmed the great importance of theoretical preparation in nursing students prior to any clinical training. The survey also reaffirmed the importance of the support of educational and clinical mentors in the case of stressful situations during clinical training, such as the patients' violent behavior. This subject requires further research.

Keywords:mental health nursing, clinical practice, nursing students, stigma, verbal abuse

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